Dusk to Dawn

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I had just woke up and the sun was rising.
I was really tired but I had to get ready for school.
After I had got dressed and put my makeup on.
the bus was already at my stop.
I raced out to the bus.
"Wait wait I'm here! I'm here!"
"Next time be ready" laughed Lana
"I wouldn't care if she left her" Lana and her bratty friends all laughed.

Once I got to school Jake hugged me and then gave me a kiss on the four head.
"Have you heard the rumors Lana spread about me"
"Yeah but it's okay because I know you hate miles"
The whole school day went on with people calling me a cheater and a whore but it didn't bother me.

When I got home I went straight to my room. I know I told people that I was okay and it didn't bother me but it really did. The following week Lana and her friends told me I was fat and overweight. That really hurt. I didn't eat lunch or dinner that night or the next night and the next one this had been going on for three weeks now.

I lost 10 pounds and I finally had an hour glass stomach. But when I went back to school Lana and her friends said I was a skinny bitch. I didn't know what to do anymore I hate them all!!!
I was looking in tiktok for ways to get skinnier and u saw this one......I grabbed scissors and a razor and began cutting away. I didn't lost any weight but I definitely looked skinnier.

One day at school Lana said "how did you become to skinny....Tell us your secret!"
I tried to run away but one of her friends grabbed me and threw me on the ground jack tried to help but Lana's brother threw him across the hall. That made jack pass out. Soon the whole school was watching and videoing it. At one point I punched Lana and was on top of her punching her. They I told the whole school what she did.

They all hated her but Lana didn't care she took my shirt off as a joke and ripped it up. But everyone saw my scars and worst of all I didn't have a bra on so I ran the the office put on a shirt and beat the shit of if Lana. I dragged her by her hair to the cafeteria and stabbed her 15 times and I made sure no one saw it. Then I stabbed my self and hand the knife to Lana and acted like she stabbed me then stabbed herself. Lana died but I survived obviously. I'm now on my way home to kill my self.

My farewell bye mom I hope you fall off a cliff. Bye dad that left for the milk and never came back.
Bye sissy I love you!

⚠️this is all fake none of it it real⚠️
Credits to dr. Seuss

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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