SCP-000-2b's Foundation File

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(A/N: The picture at the top is what the SCP looks like.)

Warning. You are attempting to access a file of SCP-000-2b.

In order to prevent knowledge of SCP-000-2b from being leaked several false SCP-000-2b files have been created alongside the true file.

Access is permitted to only those with authorized administrative clearance of level 4 or higher. Failure to have proper clearance will result in immediate cardiac arrest via a memetic kill agent.

Revealing the true nature of SCP-000-2b to the general public is cause for execution.

Memetic Kill Agent Activated
















Continued life signs have been confirmed.

Now Accessing a file of SCP-000-2b codename The Oceanic Creation or Mer.

Item #: SCP-000-2b

Object Class: Keter

Threat Level: Red

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-000-2b should be kept close to SCP-000 at all times. They are to be kept in a rolling tank in SCP-000's containment but they are allowed to exit the tank whenever they want. If SCP-000 requests a bucket of fish to feed SCP-000-2b it is to be given to her immediately to not incur 2b's wrath and the wrath of the other creations. This creature should not be angered under any circumstances. If they must be removed for experimental purposes make sure the testing period is less than an hour long. When moving 2b to a testing chamber a titanium lid is to be placed on its tank to avoid the people transporting the SCP from getting hurt by it. This creature should not be angered under any circumstances. If the subject becomes injured it is to be offered fish as an apology and as a way to heal itself. This creature is not to be disturbed when it's trying to sleep unless you want to get your hand bitten off. Its mood is to be monitored 24/7 and any changes in its behavior or its attitude are to be reported immediately so steps can be taken to keep the creature happy. In the event of a containment breach, it is best if you stay out of this SCP's way until its creator can be calmed down unless you want to be poisoned to death.

Description: SCP-000-2b is a horned 6'2" genderless aquatic humanoid creature with pelorus blue skin which is glittery on part of its face, its shoulders, and its upper arms and pacific ocean blue skin that's also glittery on most of its face, neck, upper arms, torso, and abdomen with silk sails yellow going from the middle of its abdomen to the plates on its face. It has gills on its neck, two fanlight yellow fins on its back, three head fins with pelorus blue on the top edges and front edge with shallow water blue and bioluminescence blue patterns on its three head fins and tail fins, two curved pelorus blue horns with vibrant gold spiral groves in each, solid bioluminescence blue eyes, a mermaid tail that's royal blood blue with vibrant gold scale patterns on the top and fanlight yellow on the bottom, a royal blood blue heart on its forehead with three pelorus blue circles at the top, top left, and top right of the heart, five baby blue claws on each hand, two stacked marsh field yellow circles on its abdomen and two other circles on its chest with a bioluminescence blue heart in the middle, five royal blood blue wave patterns in the middle of its abdomen and chest, and a rosey afterglow pink pearl necklace.

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