First day of school yayy!

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I can't imagine this is my first day of school, yayy!, hope this school is good. I like pink schools but there aren't, right? Well all started in the famous entrance from my school, this was pretty great, was full from fluffy flowers and big trees. So my mom let us ( my brother and me in the entrance) oh! Have I tell you my brother's name is Fernando, Fernando Malik Johnson. Well we entered, I didn't new where to go. This was pretty big 🏫 but I kinda of like it. At the instant a girl named Samantha Wilson, she had green eyes and long brown hair, if you saw her you will definitely turn to see her, in other words she calls the attention, she seemed to be a good girl when I saw her , but she isn't. She me and said "hey, sow you are the new girl" I was scared so I answered "yes I'm umm, who are you" oh! She said I'm Vanessa Brooks, " that's a beautiful name hey I'm Catherine Malik Johnson" I said " wow so you are the famous daughter of star Zain Malik " yes.." I said " so we'll do you want to seat with us at lunch " in this moment I was feeling one of the most fortunate girls in the entire world. " Yes sure I'm Very happy you ask since nobody have asked that to me ". Well see ya! "See ya", I went running to my locker, in the way I get to know a girl named Danielle she had pretty brown eyes and brown hair, she was very exited about that a new girl entered the school since she has been on that school since all her life, well she is obsessed with giraffes and sailers. I also got to meet a girl named Georgina Patterson, she is the one of the fakes girl I ever meet in my life, she is always laughing with a laugh that isn't her's. She said to me " ahahahah you are the new girl, I hate new girls, but I want to now about you, what's your favourite color", well mine is pink, and yours, "it is also pink, y love be pink" then she asked me what was my favourite singer, with excitement I told her "Ariana Grande" she said that's also mine. This conversation was getting very uncomfortable until I asked her, " I love Ariana Grande, what's your favorite song?" Am where do broken hearts go, she said. I almost die when I heard that words!. And do you know what is the name of the new video, "ah yes yes it is our moment" I wanted to kill myself both of this things are from one direction and the other was their perfume (it smells good). " Well do you know when does it comes out" yes in on January 23. God God God God, January 23 already passed. I surround her and run away, I was angry, exited, and happy because I finished the conversation. Rinnnn the bell ran, I runned to English, I get to know with my new teacher it was named Mr. Thompson he seamed very interesting until he started telling us stories about his personal life what the heak!, why are we going to care about his life. His life seamed to interesting but he is one of those teachers called story tellers, an most of his stories are fake. He invents whatever comes to his mind. The bell rang and I runned so I didn't get late, in the way I slipped and all my books fell down but when I was picking up them I heard a voice telling me " can I help you?, are you okey?....


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