Chapter 11

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The next day, I am seriously dreading school. I am utterly terrified of Erik.

Now that I'm thinking clearly, I realize that I never would even stand a chance against Erik-even with me being part vampire!

Jake hasn't left my side since I came back from my rampage, not that I minded.

So when we get to school, everyone stares at us. But, I'm getting used to it.


As I'm getting my stuff out of my locker for 4th hour, someone slams my locker shut. I look up into the eyes of Erik.

He smirks and I just turn around to open my locker again.

"I haven't seen you here for a while, what happened? We're you too afraid and skipped school like the coward you are? It's funny, you should see the looks your 'family' keeps giving me-especially that big Indian dude." He says. That did it.

"I was in the fricken hospital! And don't you ever, EVER, say and thing about Jake again!" I shout in his face-bad move. He slaps me across the face and sneers. Then the bell rings and he runs off to class.

I manage to open my locker again before heading to 4th hour-English. I have English with Erik, and none of the Cullens. When I get to class, the teacher walks in at the same time ad me. I take the only empty seat, which if next to Erik.

I just pretend he's not there. But I see him get out a piece of paper and write something on it. He then hands it to me. It says:

Meet me behind school at 4 don't tell anyone or it'll be worse!

I neatly fold up the paper and put it in my pocket and continue listening to the teacher. But in the inside, I'm screaming and panicking and freaking out!!!

Sometime in class, I peek at Erik out of the corner of my eye. I see him smirking like an idiot.

But how can I not tell anyone?! Eddy will just read my mind!

Somewhere in the school I hear Eddy growl so low that only us vampires/vampire hybrids/ werewolves can hear it. I giggle at this, but then I remember Erik.

I keep thinking about him until the bell finally rings. I jump out of my seat and am the first one out of the classroom. I quickly put my stuff in my locker before practically running to Jake's locker. He smiles when he sees me.

"Hey Tori, how was 4th hour?" He asks. Then he notices the dread and despair on my face.

"Tori, what's wrong?!" He asks, taking my hands in his and panicking. I quickly compose my facial expression into a more normal one.

"Nothing" I say with a weak, small smile. I look away from Jake's gaze only to meet Erik's. crap. He walks over. No, no, no! Go away Erik! No one likes you!

Eric stops about 4 feet in front of us. Smart of him for keeping his distance. Jake and I both growl, and it's not quiet. Which means that Erik hears it. He smirks.

"Just reminding you Tori, don't tell anyone-or it'll be worse..." Erik says before walking away with a smirk. That stupid idiot! Ugh, I HATE him!!!

Jake wraps his arm around me protectively and we walk to the lunch room. We sit at our usual table with the Cullens. Then Jake turns to me and asks the question I wish he didn't.

"Tori, what was Erik talking about?" He asks sternly.

"Nothing..." I say, looking at the ground.

"Edward?" Jake asks. No Eddy, please! If anyone knows it'll just be worse! Please don't tell anyone Eddy!

"I'm sorry Tori. Erik wants to meet Tori behind the school at 4. And his mind is filled with himself found horrible things to Tori." Eddy says, actually shuddering. How could he?! He betrayed me! Eddy! I'm so dead!

Now all I feel is hurt. How could he do that? He knew that if I told, it would be worse. Technically I never told anyone, but was Erik going to believe that? No. 'I actually didn't tell anyone, Eddy just read my mind and told everyone' yeah right. It's raining outside now.

"Tori, you-" Eddy starts to say but I cut him off.

"No! I don't want to hear it! How could you, Eddy?!" I say and stand up out of my chair. I then walk outside, not caring about the rain. I can dry myself off later. Once I'm out of human sight, I run vamp speed to my meadow.

Once at my meadow, I sit in the ground somewhere on the La Push side so the Cullens couldn't come get me. I lay on the ground, screaming my tears out.

I scream and yell and cry, as it rains harder and harder. Until everything stops.

There's no sound, no rain, no animals, no breathing. I don't move, I don't breathe. I lay there motionless, I would look dead to someone walking by. My hair is tangled and sticking out everywhere from rolling around, my eyes are red and puffy from crying, my face is red from screaming. I lay there, listening. There's no sound, just silence. Complete and utter silence. It's peaceful and calm. Silence...

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