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    It was a long ride home. a ride full of questions. i Hated the questions. 

    Then when we got home, Wu said it was time for our evening training. we got into our GI and went to the dojo. we took our places as sensei explained. 

    "For this evening's training, you will be sparing with one another. Jay, you're with Nya, Zane, you're with Lloyd who needs to GET OUT OF THE SHOWER!!!" 

    "Sorry! Sorry!" Lloyd frantically said as he wobbled out of the bathroom with wet hair, and accidentally got Cole wet. "Sorry, Cole!"

    "It's fine, I'll hang my GI up so it will dry." And with that, he took his shirt off, revealing his strong, toned body. His muscles were showing off. his hair, slightly messy. oh, and his gorgeous face had the most beautiful smile. my face was heating up, and i turned red, just staring at him. and soon, something wet dripped from my nose just as he realized i was staring at him.

    "Kai! your nose is bleeding!" Jay said panicked, while everyone else probably knew what was going on.

Coles POV

    After i took off my shirt i could feel eyes on me. it was weird, and so i looked to see who it was. only to find Kai looking at me, red as a tomato, and with a bloody nose. i blinked as jay started to freak out about the blood. and that's when it clicked. oh, my gawd. Kai has a crush on me. me of all people.

    i could feel my own face heating up as the thought flew past my brain. no, it couldn't be! he probably isn't gay. and besides, even if he was, and he was into me, we wouldn't really... work. i mean, fire and earth? what would we be, lava? it just... probably would be bad because people would be looking down Apon us... including my father. he would look down on me, thinking that i am a bad son because i like guys. and he wouldn't want me to be with Kai because of the fact it would mean our bloodline would end, because we are both male. 

    but what if it could work? 

    "Ahem," Wu interrupted my thoughts. "As i was saying, Lloyd, Zane, you're paired. and the last pair is Kai and Cole. now, spar." 

    we all took turns sparing. and soon, it was mine and Kai's turn. he was still flustered. 

    we got into our formations and started the spar. he swung, i ducked, and tackled taking us both to the floor. i got on top of him, pinning him to the floor as the spar ended. 

    Kai went from a light shade of pink to a deep red in an instant. i didn't quite understand why, but then, i realized. what position we are in. i blushed deeply, and i was caught off guard by the sudden sound he made. that's when i realized one of my legs were in between his... and uh... lets just say he was horny. i attempted to get up only to fall back down, landing on him with my face in his neck. he le out a slight moan to the feeling of my breathe. i rushed up yelling SORRY!! over and over again, both of our faces red.

    i turned to the others to ask why they didn't help, only to see them making the UwU face... of course.

    Kai's POV

    I lie there, in complete shock. My face was red and my heart was beating so fast. How am i still alive?
    Cole was on top of me, and could have very easily made a move... but he didn't, which, nomatter how disappointing that is, i am also glad. I don't have to go through the embarrassment. But then again....
    Oh, my god, Kai! Stop being horny for ONE FRIGGIN MOMENT!!! I thought to myself as i forced myself off the ground. I turned to Cole who was sitting there, hands over his face as the others teased him. They were also making the UwU face.
    Wait.... do they ship us? Oh my god I'm gonna panic...
    I ran as fast as i could out of the dojo to hide in my room. But when i got there....
    Hold up, why is Cole's stuff in here? I turned to see sensei looking at me with a smirk.
    "Kai, you are going to have a new roommate. Its Cole. Pixel is going to be taking his room now that she has officially moved in with us." (What? I needed a reason.)
    "Oh, come on! Sensei, you cant be doing this to me!!!" I complained.
    He only chuckled and walked away, revealing Cole behind him.
    "so..." He said awkward. "Hey... Roommate!" He smiled nervously.
    "uh... Yeah..." I felt so awkward but is all i wanted to do was run up and kiss him. I seriously need to learn to control my hormones because this is driving me crazy.
    Cole walked into the room and began to set up his side of the room. Then he stopped, turning to me. "Hey, Kai? I'm... Sorry for earlier. I didn't mean to make things awkward between us..."
    "its fine." I say, trying to keep myself from blushing.
    Cole smiled. "Well, I'm glad we get to be roommate's! We could have a game night or something to celebrate!"
    "pfft, like you think you can beat me?" I say, challenging him.
    "oh, i won't just beat you, I'll beat all your high scores, too!" Cole stated with a smirk, and at that, we raced to the gaming system. I turned it on and handed him a controller. Heheh, this'll be fun.

Again. Sorry for being bad at this... I never wrote a gay love story before so i am learning. Which i am surprised at myself considering i myself is gay-ish. More bi than gay but i lean towards guys more. So i am surprised i dont know how to write this. Sounds like i need a smack in da face! Welp, love y'all so much!!! Baiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!

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