Run Away

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Ok, so this is my first story and I would really appreciate helpful criticism to make my story and my writing overall better.

Thanks and enjoy :)


The moon was full and the wind was howling. He gripped the gun so tight, his fingers felt like rubber, as he stared into the glowing green eyes of the werewolf. He'd seen this one before. It's been following him for weeks, but he's always managed to get away, sometimes with scars or scratches. "Stay back!" he yelled as he fumbled with the gun. The 'wolf growled at him and got ready to pounce. Sam backed away slowly, always keeping eye contact. The sweat was running down his back and his brain was going fuzzy. The 'wolf went lower on it’s hind legs like a cat, as Sam shot. He hit the beast on the chest, when he turned and ran.

Keep running, don't look back, keep running, Sam thought to himself. It wasn't before he heard the shimmer in the air, that he stopped. It was the sound of phasing. "Phew," he said to himself, tired, breathing deeply. It was finally starting to get light and the werewolf was human again. Something like this always happened to Sam. Being cornered by a shape-shifter, then followed and released in the morning. He didn't know why. His parents were never able to explain it to him because they had disappeared when he was younger, and his uncle abandoned him when he was 14. His legs felt stiff as lead when he unlocked the door of his small apartment outside of New York. He had some trouble with the rusty lock, but eventually let himself in. He closed the door, locked it and turned around. And he stared straight into the eyes of a girl. It wasn't her wild look or her black, fur-like hair that caught his attention. It was the green eyes. They were the exact same colour. It was her. The 'wolf. "Not you again!" He said scared. The beast was in his apartment!

She was sitting on his bed. Sam backed away until his back was against the door. His legs were shaking but the rest of him was frozen in terror. She slowly got off the bed, walked towards him, and held out her hand. "I'm impressed. It's not everyday someone escapes from one of us, multiple times. I'm Kylie. And you're Sam right?" "R-r-right," he stuttered, slowly shaking her hand, taking in her whole appearance for the first time. She noticed him and twirled. "You like it?" she asked, "it's not the fur and paws you're used to seeing me in, but I've been told I look good this way." She smiled at him. He found himself surprisingly attracted to her. She was wearing an emerald coloured, knee-length dress that matched her eyes and complimented her figure nicely. Her hair was wolf-like but shiny. Her smile was confident, but soft and warm.

" We have to leave," she said, " they're coming. Tonight at midnight and I  can't protect you here surrounded by humans. We'll have to go far away, to the meadow," she muttered to herself. " What do you mean, surrounded by humans? And who's coming?" Sam asked. " Well, I didn't want to have to tell you this way, so suddenly. It might come as a shock, but you're a half-vampire," she informed him. "A-a-a what?" he asked unsure of himself. "You heard me," she told him," tonight the Supernatural Council's coming to tell you what you are and to show you what you can do. And later they may want to keep you...since you are one-of-a-kind. But I really don't want any of this happening in front of a city of humans. No offence but you vamps can be creepy as hell sometimes. You always get out of control when you see or smell blood." "None taken," Sam said, "but hold on, if I really am a vampire, how have I been surviving my whole life? Wouldn't I need to drink blood and stay out of the sun?" "Well, since you are only half-vampire, you get the speed and strength of a regular vampire but you can survive on both blood and human food. And you are not as sensitive to the sun as regular vampires either. Plus, you are the only half-vampire that's ever existed." " And that's why the Council wants me?" Sam guessed. " Right," Kylie told him, " and that's why we have to leave, as soon as possible."

Sam listened to the familiar shimmer of phasing and when he saw the green-eyed werewolf pop out of the trees in front of him, he wasn't surprised. Kylie thought that since Sam has the supernatural vampire speed, she wanted to be able to keep up with him, which is easier in her 'wolf form. In her human form she would just slow them down and they needed to get to the meadow before midnight. Kylie nudged him with her muzzle and off they went. While they ran, they occasionally saw a person or an animal, which was good because they both needed to feed. When Sam started to get thirsty, Kylie taught him to catch a human so he could feed. She'd been living with vampires for years, so she's seen more of it than she'd like. She insisted he fed the vampire way because firstly, it would strengthen him for their encounter with the Council, and secondly, they had forgotten to bring human food.

He was afraid at first, but once he let the blood flow, he couldn't resist. His fangs slid out and he drank until he was full. He saw the best smelling vein in the throat and the next thing he knew, he was feeling the warm blood come onto his lips and he couldn't stop. He was satisfied with the blood and he loved the taste of it, it scared him at first. But after that, he needed the blood. Every little while, the back of his throat felt dry and they would stop to feed. Sam could already feel himself growing stronger. After watching Kylie feed off animals, he thought it didn't look too bad. He tried the animal blood, but human blood quenched his thirst better and he found it much tastier.

The running was beautiful. Sam could feel his heart pounding with energy and he could feel the wind flying through his hair. His supernatural speed let the trees blur out of sight. He was surprised, Kylie kept pace with him the entire time, but he could already see her getting tired. Sam slowed down. " Do you want to take a break?" he asked her. She shook her furry head. " C'mon," he argued, "You look ready to collapse on the spot." She gave a big sighing snort and trotted away to phase. Sam heard the shimmer and looked hopefully  into the trees. But she didn't come. He waited almost 2 minutes before he pursued her. He didn't start running until he heard her scream.

He caught her scent, first her animal scent, then the human one. The were so similar but so different all at once. Then he caught another scent. It was something he's never smelled before, so, he guessed, it wasn't even close to being human. It smelled like rotten cabbages. On e word automatically popped into his head. "Oh no," he whispered. He saw everything blur out around him as he ran full speed into the direction of the smell.

The smell was becoming stronger. That's when he saw the streaks of black hair and a shimmer of green. Kylie, he thought, breathing in relief. But then he saw it, Just as he suspected. Large green and smelly, there it stood. The troll. Holding Kylie in his club-like arms. A plan was already forming in Sam's mind when Kylie screams again. The troll's arms were now empty and Sam looked around frantically. He sighed in relief as her saw Kylie sitting in a tree. The troll looked surprisingly human as he started a fire to keep warm. This is when Sam took action. He slowly crawled over to the tree, struggling to stay concealed. It wasn't until he started waving his arms that she noticed him. By then he was standing under the tree trying to find a way up. He had some trouble finding footholes, but after he made it up, they hugged happily and Sam found out Kylie broke her ankle. He carried her down and gave her a few minutes to rest. "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" Sam asked her again. "Yes! For the hundreth time! I have healing powers, I'll be back to normal within an hour," she replied. "Ok, well let's find somewhere to rest, the smell is getting to me."

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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