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The bell rang, class was over.Even if it was Soobins first day of school, he had already made many friends.

But, there was one student who caught his eye, he didn't even bother to look at him, and he always looked tired of everyone, no one talked to him either, he was just, there .

" Hey, my names Soobin." He said with a smile, "I know.." said the other, Soobin felt awkward.

"So...hows your day going?" " Ok." Soobin couldn't make any conversation with this guy, he must be hard to hang out with, Soobin thought. Even if it felt imposible to make conversation with him, Soobin felt determined, he wanted to be on good terms with everyone.

" Wanna hang out later? " Soobin said, the other's eyes lit up a bit, it was like no one had ever asked him to "hang out", he was surprised."Sure." "Oh and I forgot! What's your name? "

" Choi Beomgyu. "

Soobin smiled as he left Beomgyus desk to go with his other friends, suddenly, his books were knocked off his desk.

Looking up, confused, Beomgyu looked up to see a pair of eyes, Kang Taehyun.

"Hey, got any lunch money I can borrow?" He asked with a smirk. "No." Beomgyu responded.

Taehyun rolled his eyes "What the fuck do you have?" Beomgyu looked down, Taehyun grabbed him by his hair so they could make eye contact. " Tomorrow, 50 dollars, ok?" "ok." Beomgyu said softly.

"Hey," Beomgyu heard a familiar voice, he turned around and to his surprise it was Soobin.

" Weren't we gonna hang out later? Actually we can hang out right now, while we're eating lunch!" Soobin said.

"Yeah.." Beomgyu said quietly, he had never hung out with someone before, no one ever liked him, no one ever bothered to be on good terms with him, he was ignored most of the time.

They both sat down on a bench, Soobin had brought a sandwich, Beomgyu brought nothing.

" You don't have any food?" Soobin asked, " I'm not hungry." Beomgyu replied.

"Did you at least have some breakfast?"

"Yes." Beomgyu lied, "oh, ok."

Soobin continued to eat his lunch.

Soobin laughed at Beomgyus short replies, he actually found them cute.While Beomgyu was figuring out wether Soobin found it funny and was making fun of him or, if it wasn't his intention to laugh at him like that.

"Hey, I'll ask you a couple of questions and you can answer them, ask me the same question and I'll answer as well."Soobin said.


"How old are you?"


"Ehh, how old are you?"


A/N : first book I have ever published, sorry this chapter is so short.

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