•A Lovely Memory.•

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We start off our story in Faith Carter Elementary school on the very first day of grade 1.

*bell rings*

"Children! Children! Settle down now." Said the teacher.

"I hope everyone is excited about the first day of school!"

All the children clapped in excitement, some screaming and screeching. (These kids are WILD. Oh kids, enjoy youth while it lasts.) All but for one child at the back.

The brown haired boy with greyish blue eyes was shy and nervous about his first day. Especially whilst being a transfer student, had previously left behind his friends due to the move.

 Especially whilst being a transfer student, had previously left behind his friends due to the move

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There was also another kid at the back who didn't react either. It was a dark haired mixed with chocolate (the color of it not the actual treat- in his scalp- 😭) boy who had hazel eyes.

He was basically the runt from pre-k to kindergarten to the other kids, and was worrying that history might repeat itself.

He was basically the runt from pre-k to kindergarten to the other kids, and was worrying that history might repeat itself

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"Fantastic! Now, let's get to know one another with introductions!" Said Mrs. Brooks. (that's the teacher's name btw-)

"Let's see.."

There were tons of kids raising their hands and saying "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!"

"Woah, woah now! One at a time!"
"Hmm.. let's see.."

The brunette purple eyed woman would scan the room and then pointed at the boy in the dark turquoise hoodie at the back of the classroom-

"You! Why don't you come up to the class to introduce yourself?"

The boy responded in a low quiet voice "U-Uh.. m-me?"

The dark haired boy from earlier heard his voice and felt a flash of heat enter his cheeks. "Woah.. his voice!" The boy thought.

"Yes, you!" Mrs. Brooks responded.

She let out her hand and once the boy took it she led him to the front of the classroom. "Go on then!" Said the woman. "A-Alright!" The boy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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