5 - 𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘱

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You sat on the couch, beside Poseidon. You did not process what happened again.

All you could remember was you crying after Raiden and Thrud had died, then afterwards the two of you returned back to the Palace because you kept sobbing.

You did not see the duel in round six, unfortunately.

But that wasn't the point now, there was a new stadium. There was four long and thick sticks, atop of them were skulls, nine or more sticked to some sticky thing. Furthermore, Flames were top of the skulls. The entrance was designed by skulls and some gold lines were sticked as details, moreover, there was a cross upside down.

Your first thought was Hades. You shift your gaze to Poseidon to get an answer, and you were correct.

The enemy is Hades. The mankind might be another chinese foe because of the crowd being chinese.

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone abruptly sitting on an empty sofa, which was meant for Hades since he announced that it was his.

"Poseidon, who is he?" You muttered to the blond man, he awfuly looks surprised as well.

"I don't know, love." He responds as he snaked his arm through your waist and tightens his grip.

'This guy is definitely the one.'

You watched Ares argue to the strange man, when he gets backflipped by the guy.

Your face let out an "ooh" face. [Similar to this -->😮]

You clapped as Ares hit the ground that caused the strange man to walk to you. He moved closer and smirked.

You saw his features, but not his eyes. He wrapped a blindfold around his eyes, and there was some sort of mark down to his cheeks to his covered eyes.

Nonetheless, he looks majestic. Even with the blindfold. You were a little curious of his eyes, however, you can't invade his privacy.

"What might your name be, Sweetheart?"


"Get your ass away from her or me."

The blindfolded man giggles, "Oh? Feisty, ain't you?" He moved his face closer to Poseidons' scowling expression.

A few seconds passed by as the two kept a tense eye contact along with a tense atmosphere. You did not mind them but you were sort of sandwhiched by them.

Another anonymous vocal echoed through the big holes of the corridors caused by none other than the blindfolded man. "Just as i suspected, sister!"

"Follow all these holes, and look who it is!" Gōll and Brunhilde appeared walking inside the room which caused all of your attentions to the sisters.

"Goodness, even after i'd expressly told you, not to leave your room. And what's more? You've left the corridors filled with holes..."

"Mou Mantai!" He placed his hands to his hips, "The road is where i lead!"

You ignored most of what they spoke due to your excitement, you will finally see Hades!

He was the only guy you've been wanting to see and marry. This guy didn't rape any goddess, despite the fact he kidnapped his wife in the origin, he was loyal to her unlike his brothers Zeus and Poseidon.

After a few more couple minutes, Heimdall finally voiced out.

"With the end of round six, this competition is now neck-and-neck. Both the gods and mankind are at three wins..."

"That's my cue!" The blindfolded guy glanced at you once more, grinning. "See you later, love." he blows a kiss at you that made your cheeks pink.

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨┆𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙖𝙜𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙠Where stories live. Discover now