ix. Alone

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YOONGI STARTED TO notice new things when he went to the next lesson the following Sunday, starting with a completely clean piano, free from hoards of papers and trash—and the sight had his jaw nearly dropping.

The second was the lack of dirty dishes in the sink. The third was the way the curtains were opened, which didn't change the lighting at night, but nevertheless insinuated to Yoongi that she actually let in the sunlight during the daytime.

The fourth, and possibly the most important, was the good mood that Bee was in during their lesson.

He wasn't sure what inspired this sudden change on Bee's behalf, but he wasn't complaining. It was as if she had regained a bit of passion, and he could tell from the way she taught him, more intent than ever. Her smile would appear more often, and her eyes would light up as well, making Yoongi wish to see that light forever. It suited her.

Of course, it didn't keep him from hearing her complaints about his posture.

Walking behind Yoongi as he played through the song, Bee flicked her pencil against his upper back with an amused grin. "Your posture. Again. That's the third time today, and yes, I am counting."

Yoongi couldn't help but chuckle, letting his fingers fall off of the keys so that he could fix his posture.

"You're like a turtle every time you play, slowly going back into your shell," she stated, placing her palms on Yoongi's shoulders and massaging them gently. The feeling of her cold hands on his shoulders had his heart speeding in pace, as he nearly faltered. "Don't be scared of the piano. It won't bite."

"I'm sorry," he chuckled, closing his eyes at the feeling of Bee's massage on his tight shoulders. "I'm used to it because I sit at a desk a lot." He mentally went through every moment in his studio where he would spend hours hunched over a notebook or working on his computer with restless eyes. "It hurts when I sit up straight for too long."

"Tragic." She withdrew from him with a tsk, and Yoongi swore he missed the feeling of her hands on him. He shook out his hands and his head, rolling his shoulders back to straighten his posture. "From the top, and remember, you're kind of dying while playing, yeah?"

"I really am," he muttered under his breath, but loud enough for Bee to smack her palm on his shoulder, eliciting a comforting laugh from him.


Bee :)
there's a massage thing for your back
i found it
u can prob afford this
[image attached]
sent 12:34 am

yoongi ('̀-'́)
Oh, thanks lol
sent 12:36 am

Bee :)
i should be including this in ur lessons bill
im practically giving u free tips
sent 12:37 am

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