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"You ready guys? It's 6:35 o'clock and the outside is almost starting." Liam suddenly uttered when Sico and I intered the door, jeez, that make me darn almost jump off.

I brought my self back here after the crowd music I held inside Professor Clinton classroom. Probably, uncle and the students were schocked and amused of what I did earlier. But seeing Ms. Jolie staring at me having no expressions immediately makes my heart melt with uneasy emotions. She doesn't like it?

I did played guitar and some musical instruments long ago but after the sudden incident happened between me and the Principal's grandson, suddenly my life became undesirable - just like the first day I came in and that's kinda freak but I'm feeling ease now. I sighs in disbelief remembering those .

"Our performance must be well great infront of all audience and visitors - including teacher, remember guys we are putting our confidence here." He added and went to my band chair, why does he likes sitting in my place?

"I heard you play guitar earlier Kelly and that's well good, you really haven't changed. Still the impressive girl I've met before and this impressed me," he plastered smiled on his face and adjust his glasses that's made him looks cute and adorable. Sico nudges my shoulder teasingly and cough a little.

"Hey guys, the stage is well done. Have you all prepared?" Kzhea suddenly entered the door behind us without asking permission that made me jump of shocked. They chuckled and giggled wearing a silly smile over their face that made me pissed really.

That's really not good for me since I am a neurotic person.

Agh! Why these people is so freaking darn not nice!? I sighed heavily and lifted my eyes while crossing my arms and glancing each of them furiously.

"You're such a fearful beautiful lady, Kelly," Sico mocked. "And that makes Liam more attracted to you," he added having a silly smile looking at me. I'm obviously angry can't he noticed that? I clench my fist holding my anger, glaring at his face because he is such a dumbass!

"Stop that guys, concentrate your nerves for tonight. Don't make a big trouble Sico, be thankful to Kelly since she didn't rejected you dude. Stop teasing her and go to you place now," Liam said calmly but it was heavy voice as his eyes glared at Sico's position.

Sico raised his both hands with his guitar in the air and grinned teasingly as he walks forward to his place, "Alright dude, I'm out." He chuckles and sat lifting and rubbing his guitar like a father babysitting his newborn kid, "Uw my tralala baby, your hot awesome father got scolded by your uncle defending your auntie. " I just rolled my eyes and quickly went through my sit.

"So guys, what will you perform?" Kzhea asks broken the silence between us for a seconds.

"I'm gonna sing, 'All of me' By John legend playing piano and the second is 'Mondo Bongo' Song by The Mescaleros, that's Ms. Angelina's order right? Liam told me and we did practiced that easily." I indurated responded slowly drumming playing the Mondo Bongo.

This is really nice for dancing and I won this dance last months. I didn't know that Ms. Angelina like this taste of music too? Lol. However, I wondered if she will dance? You know ... Kinda gift for the students like me who is desiring her beautiful figure and dude, this is a slow seductive song that can makes your heart flattered if you will see a hot chixs dancing with this song infront of you.

" Great. And remember Liam what I've told you," he winked at him and wave a goodbye. I face turned around them confused.

"What did she told you?" I utters looking at his face plastering a smile like a freaking dumbass.

The Unexpected Woman (•𝖣𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗎𝖾𝖽: 𝗀𝗑𝗀•)Where stories live. Discover now