Hirano's POV

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When did I last hear his voice. 'Hirano-san!!'
Being honest. I didn't expect to feel so lonely when me and Kagi-kun gone our separate ways. I wish I cherished our memories together more.
It already been around 2 years since we moved. We haven't talked... in a while. As I scroll through our old messages from when we were still in high school I suddenly hear, 'Ring..Ring..'
Kagiura!? That was sudden for him to call. Especially after 5 months. Of course I answered the call. I missed him. Loads. A lot. I missed him to the point I couldn't last a day without thinking about him. All those hours, days, months, I went without ever telling him I loved him. I'm seriously so mad at myself for never getting the courage to say those words.
"..-san? Hirano-san?"
"Yo..." Shit. I said that a bit coldly..
"Hirano-san! It's really you! It's been a while, hasn't it? How have you been?!"
"Life's been great, a little lonely without you though, haha!" I knew I was lying, I wasn't just a little lonely. More than that.. I felt completely alone, something was missing, life wasn't the same. All I need is you, you Kagiura.
Ugh, is this what Kagi-kun felt when he fell 'heads over heels' for me during our high school years? Being in love really is difficult.
"Hirano-san? You okay?"
"Sorry about that! I just zoned out. Hows life for you Kagi-kun?"
"Haha, it was alright! I don't really talk to any of our friends from school anymore. But I talk Niibashi now and again."
"Thats nice. Err..How about we go and see each other sometime.. is Saturday good for you?"
"Ehh?!? That was unexpected. But of course, I'd do anything to see you again, Hirano-san!"
"Right. We can plan where to meet up later, I have to go now, cya.."
"Bye! Have a good day!"
"You too..

hirano to kagiura - 2 years after (on hiatus till i get an idea)Where stories live. Discover now