Chapter 7

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{Reader's POV}

        The sun was high in the sky when I awoke, grunting groggily as I rolled over. Yawning, I glanced around my surroundings in faint confusion. This wasn't my bedroom... Puzzling over it, I froze mid eye-rub as everything abruptly rushed back to me. Jack. Jack had kidnapped me, taking me to his house. Tensing, I quietly pulled the covers over me and rolled over to face the wall. Right now I wanted to go to sleep and enter a completely unrelated nightmare. Of course, though, I had no such luck.

        I heard the tumbling of a lock being undone followed by the door opening as Jack entered. Quickly I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. "I know you awake." Darn, I thought as I sat up groggily, rubbing my eyes. He threw something at me and I reflexively caught it, glancing at it curiously to see it was a rag. "Clean the furniture," he told me. Sighing, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched a bit, while he stripped the dusty sheets off the bed. My pajamas had a bit of dust on them from sleeping on the covers, and Jack gave a sigh as he shook his head at it. I shrugged it off as I began rubbing down the dresser as ordered.

        Within half an hour the bedroom was dust-free and the bed had new, clean sheets. As I wiped the sweat off my forehead, Jack grabbed me by the wrist, causing me yelp. "Get clothes," he ordered, and once I did he dragged me across the hallway to a small bathroom, forcing me inside and closing the door. There were already towels set out, along with the shampoo and conditioner bottles from my bathroom back at home. As I stared, I heard his voice from the other side of the door. "Take a shower. Remove the bandages and call me when you're done so I can give you new ones." Without waiting for my response I heard his footsteps fade away to other parts of the cabin.

        Obediently I turned on the water, stripping out of my dusty pajamas. Hesitantly I started to unwrap the bandages, grimacing as the scar left on my side came into sight. It wasn't pretty, with lots of dried blood crusted along the cut. It stung sharply when I stepped under the water, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as when I'd first received it. I kept the shower as brief as possible, focusing on getting rid of the dust. I almost skipped the shampoo and conditioner, but decided to do it at the last second because I didn't know when I'd have a shower again—or if I would at all. Once I finished, I toweled myself off and quickly put on my pants and a bra.

        At that point I hesitantly knocked on the door, meekly calling, "D...Done." A few moments passed and I heard footsteps approach, the door opening to reveal Jack standing mere inches away from me. I jumped back in surprise before he grabbed me by the arm yet again, dragging me back across the hallway to the bedroom and sitting me on the edge of the bed. There was already some kind of first aid kit waiting on the mattress, and he quickly pulled out a cotton wipe and some spray so he could wipe the cut with disinfectant.

        Instantly it stung and I grimaced, but strangely enough I think I felt more embarrassed than anything. Monster or not, he was still a male and I was a half-naked girl. Looking back, he'd probably seen me naked already when he applied the bandages the first time around and put me in my pajamas. That thought was not reassuring. However, from what I could tell so far he probably saw me more as food than a girl. I didn't know if that made it better or worse, so I decided to stop thinking about it.

        Once the bandages were applied and I'd pulled on my shirt, he grabbed the shackle and I went pale. "W-what are you doing?" I whispered, shrinking away.

        "Chaining you to the bed," he replied plainly as he grabbed my right foot. I struggled a bit but he just squeezed and I flinched. He took advantage of my momentary panic-freeze to quickly close the shackle and lock it, attaching the other end to the bedpost. With this, I was stuck. Unlike the one back at home, this one had a much longer chain that would allow me to walk around the room, and probably across the hall, but it still wasn't much of a comfort.

        "...If you're worried I'll escape, I won't," I muttered, pulling my knees to my chest as I stared at him. "I don't have anywhere to go."

        "People do crazy things when they're desperate," he countered as he walked to the door. "Want lunch?" I didn't reply right away, just staring at him.


        "Because you need to eat."

        "No, why haven't you killed me? Why did you bring me here?" The questions were dreaded, but I needed to ask them anyway. Jack paused in the doorway, turning to glance back at me. I couldn't read his face behind that mask, but I stared at his eye holes anyway, hoping that maybe I could somehow catch a glimpse of his eyes. After a few moments, he broke his gaze and left without a word, not bothering to close the door.

{Jack's POV}

        Why hadn't he killed [name]? That was a good question, Jack thought as he raided the fridge for ingredients stolen from her house to make a sandwich. Logically, it would be much easier and better to just kill her and eat her organs, especially in his current weakened state. Reflecting on it, he decided it was mostly because in his eyes, she was still his savior. That alone was reason enough not kill her, even if she was that man's daughter... niece... hmm... Was she adopted? That's what she'd made it sound like. Anyway, it didn't matter. She was a victim of that man too.

        However, that still didn't explain why he'd brought her here. Her status as his "savior" was reason enough to not kill her, and also to bandage that wound, but not enough to kidnap her. He was still pondering this as he returned to her bedroom with the sandwich in hand, setting it in front of her. Cautiously she took a bite, so hesitant one would think she expected it to be poisoned. After a few seconds she seemed to decide that it was safe to consume, and slowly began eating.

        Jack leaned against the wall and crossed his arms as he watched silently, eying her every movement as he tried to discern what compelled him to bring her to his home. As [name] ate she cast a glance in his direction before quickly averting her gaze, her cheeks turning a soft red. That was kind of cute, he thought with a smirk. Fear really was such an enticing emotion, even when it manifested in weaker forms like being flustered or nervous. Finally she finished and set the plate down on the nightstand, and sat in silence for a few moments. Jack continued to stare at her silently, and she bit her lip as she twiddled her thumbs before finally glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.

        "W... Well...?" she mumbled.

        "Well, what?" Jack asked, tilting his head curiously, and she took a deep breath.

        "W... Why haven't you killed me? W-why am I here?" So she was still thinking about that too, huh? At first Jack said nothing, continuing to stare her down in silence.

        Then he lunged at her.

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