Chapter 1

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Amado's eyes started to seep with tears as he clenched the tumbler full of soda. He looked towards his mothers at the opposite end of the table, his piercing sea foam blue eyes standing no match for them.

Cayetana took a deep breath, looking towards her son. ''Amado, you know we love you, but this is for the best. Imagine how much happier we'll be.''

''How am I supposed to be happy about this?'' The tumbler met the table as he stood up, shaking, his ears slowly starting to ring due to the stress. His head felt light as he looked to Cayetana, wiping a tear from his eye with a single finger. ''Mama, I thought everything was meant to turn out alright? You said we'd all be happy together once you were done with work...''

''I know, Amado, It's just that sometimes, life isn't fair. Don't worry it isn't your fault my Nightjar.''

He looked at her, his tears cascading down his tan skin in an act of grief and melancholy.. Amado placed his hands upon the edge of the yew dining table. ''It's never fair isn't it? You've been promising this to me for years on end. But it never happens, does it. N-Now this!'' His voice breaking amongst his emotions.

Lucrecia sipped her wine, swirling the glass softly after sipping. Her eyes focused on the empty plate in front of her, knowing all too well that if she made eye contact she'd break a little inside. ''Amado, calm down dear. There's no need to be irrational. As Cayetana said, it's for the best.''

''Yeah, the best for your interests like usual! you won't even look me in the eyes!'' He exclaimed, heart broken. The ringing got louder within his ears, overwhelmed Amado brought their hands up to cover his ears. His mind started to flurry with emotions, causing him to look to the ground. As the conversion continued he started to find it hard to breathe, hyperventilating as he tried to cope.

''Amado, please sit down, we can talk our way through this like we always have. Please just listen to Lucrecia and I. We don't want our baby boy upset.'' Cayetana said lovingly, getting up out of her seat to console her son. ''Please Amado, we know you're upset.'' She reached a hand out to touch his shoulder, hoping to console the obviously uncomfortable Amado.

Amado moved back, stumbling a little. ''It's too late for that.'' He turned his head briefly to look back at the glass door separating the dining room from the hall. ''It's too late for all of this!''

Lucrecia sighed and put down her glass of wine. ''Would you like to go to your room, Amado? Remember how Cayetana and I went on that business trip last week to Porto del sole d'oro, we brought you back some gifts like usual'' She laughed trying to empathise with her son. ''Perhaps we could even tell you what happened there- Amado!''

Whilst his Lucrecia was rambling Amado had turned and made a run for it. The glass door crashed behind him shuddering a little.

'' Shit!'' Lucrecia exclaimed, pushing her seat back as quickly as she could. ''I'll go after him don't worry.''

Cayetana didn't respond. She just stood there shocked, turning towards the door Amado had left from. ''We messed up didn't we?''

Lucrecia sighed and grabbed her phone from the table, starting to chase after Amado. ''Just don't worry okay, he's got to learn how to cope with this!''

Pushing through his emotions, Amado made a dash out the backdoor heading towards the woods. His blonde hair started to fall upon his moonlit face as he made it out into the dead of the night. Ahead of him Amado could make out the red marks on the trees toward the back of the property, knowing that once he had gotten deep enough into the forest he could be alone. His mothers daring not to enter the woods as they'd be immensely unprepared whilst in their formal wear.

Cayetana stood in the back door and wailed out. ''Amado, please don't go. We didn't mean to upset you''

Lucrecia brashly edged past Cayetana and looked back towards her. ''Where did he go?''

She took a deep breath stressed from the situation herself. ''He ran into the woods, There's no way we're catching up to him like this.'' Insinuating that whilst in heels there would be no point in even trying to catch up.

''Fine, then I guess we'll wait for him to either return or not. If he's not back by tomorrow we're calling the police alright?''

Cayetana nodded in response and turned back, taking a deep breath and leaving Lucrecia outside.


Amado's legs started to tire after a while, the ringing within his ears intensifying to the point of unbearability. Taking deep breaths Amado started to take in his surroundings, trying to figure out the best plan of action. Amado whispered to himself. ''Don't worry... They won't come this far, you're safe.'' He paced back and forth for a moment. ''And if they do you can just run deep-.'' Before Amado could finish his sentence he heard a branch snap in the distance. He swore to himself and took a deep sigh before resuming his run. Amado could hear the footsteps trailing him from behind, his legs now beginning to cramp from the running. 'Come on, you may not be the most athletic person but you can at least outrun a thirty six year old woman.' He thought, still running the best he could.

Eventually Amado started to get dazed from the running, slowly starting to slip out of consciousness. The man's intrusive thoughts started to get louder as he gave in. Amado didn't know what to do anymore, his worst fears were coming to fruition right in front of his very eyes. How was someone like him meant to stand up to a fear that couldn't be combated? His legs gave way beneath him, his knees met the ground where his legs once ran. Amado huffed tiredly falling into the mud beneath him, a faint crack coming from beneath him. His face fell onto the ground, his right cheek getting pierced by a sharp object as he lay defeated. The blood trickled down his cheek as he watched the ground besides him. Finally he laid there, tattered and bruised laying in that puddle of mud. His consciousness was too heavy a burden for him to ward off anymore, his eyes growing heavy as the ringing reached its peak. Amado watched feebly as a tall figure approached him, his eyes coming to a close just before seeing it's face. Laying limp and unmoving, Amado could do nothing, giving in to the darkness. The ringing encapsulating his mind as all went silent.


Moonlight shone across his face as he awoke from his slumber, his eyes looking directly at its crescent shape. He could feel the ruggedness of a tree's bark against his back before he lowered his gaze, coming face to face with the person opposite him. Between him and the stranger was a campfire , its flames flickering like elegant dancers. Amado pushed back against the tree for stability. He stared at the stranger wondering. 'Who is this person? Do I know them? Do they know me? I don't remember befriending anyone who looks like them?'

The stranger cleared their throat and gave a polite smile, attempting to break the awkward tension between them they spoke. ''Are you alright? I found you passed out north from here, you seemed to be in a pretty rough shape.'' They stretched before crossing their arms behind their head, relaxing against their own tree. ''However I did the best I could to tend to your wounds, or at least those of which I could see, given that it is kind of awkward to undress someone you just met, let alone my own morals wouldn't allow me to do such a thing.''

''Did my mothers follow me?'' Amado asked immediately, bringing two fingers to his forehead massaging his temple. His memory was a bit hazy from going unconscious and what not.

''Don't worry, no one followed you. Well no one except me, but that was because I heard you crying and thought you were going to get yourself killed. But regardless, you were completely alone when I found you, I did happen to find your phone dropped on the ground, however I made sure to respond to whomever was messaging that you were safe, just taking a walk to cool off.''

Amado looked terrified. ''And do you still have my phone?''

''Don't worry, I only replied to someone named Cayetana and put it in my pocket before carrying you here. It should be right next to your left thigh, although I did have to borrow its torch function to have a better look so I could stitch the cut across your cheek'' They kept eyes on Amado attentively. ''Now, once you get back you should probably get an actual medical practitioner to tend to the damage''

''You say that as if I'm porcelain,'' He remarked, offended.

''Well judging by how expensive your clothing looks, I'd say you're more like a white wine than porcelain. Porcelain can be cheap and crudely made."

''So can wine.''

''Oh so you're fancy enough to understand wine sunshine. What I meant is that you're more like aged wine.''

Amado crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. ''You're calling me old?''

The stranger sighed. ''Forget it. Look, what brings you out here. Usually I'm left alone, and I'm not stumbling across random men encased in mud, tears and blood. Anyhow you never told me what you were trying to escape from.'' They grabbed a stick from beside them and threw it into the fire, before digging into their pocket and pulling out a box of cigarettes. They grabbed one out before offering another to Amado.

Amado didn't accept the cigarette, taking a deep breath.''I won't respond to a complete stranger. Regardless, I'm not exactly asking why you're wandering alone in the woods. How would I know that you're not a serial killer, trying to butter me up before killing me. You were following me after all.''

''Firstly, If I was, I would have killed you whilst you were asleep. Secondly, all blood does is alert much more dangerous carnivores. And finally, I only kill animals if they are getting on in their years, or are ill, so I can put them out of their pain'' The Stranger puffed out their cigarette and looked up to the sky. ''So is that a good enough reason that I'm not a serial killer?''

''So you're not a serial killer, you're just a stranger in the woods''

They rolled their eyes, taking a puff of their cigarette. They met Amado's eyes once again. ''I guess that'd be correct, but saying it doesn't make me feel any better about it'' They coughed on the smoke as they took a puff. ''Besides I'm out here by choice, It's not like I was forced into living in the woods. I have a house, running water, electricity, all the necessities to live a completely humane life''

Amado nodded and closed their eyes, the pain finally seizing as they recalled what had happened. Their brows furrow a little. ''Well then, if you're not too phased by it, I'll be staying out here a while''

''Staying out here with me, the one you seem to despise despite them helping you?''

''You're not the one who woke to find a stranger next to a campfire like some cult sacrifice out of a podcast''

''If you're talking about A Sleepless Night In Ruhette, then last I remember there were no mentions of cults in Ruhette as long as that podcast, or I have been around here. Even if there was a local cult, we would have found out most likely and it would've made the news by now. Most of the city's population finds it mediocre at best due to it sometimes being misleading. I however don't mind it, it's good entertainment. I'm assuming you listen to it, otherwise you would have no need to mention it.''

Amado nodded trying not to show his interest. ''Of course I do, I've been listening to it since 1x16. But my favourite season was season two.''

''The first one I listened to, was about that farmers missing wife who they found out actually cheated on him and moved four hours out of Ruhette to be with her lover'''

Amado nodded ''In all honesty, I thought he was lying about her disappearance. Didn't expect that episode to be such a heavy let down.''

"'These are real people you realize? You can't exactly go 'Oh I wish they had died'. However I'll admit it wouldn't be too out of place. Usually in these types of domestic cases the killers either the partner or a sibling.'' Lothair sighed. ''I need to catch up on the podcast, it's been weeks since I took a listen.''

Amado nodded. ''Well you've missed out on a lot then. There's a new episode tonight, but sometimes the schedule gets muddled. I was hoping to listen to it tonight before I came out here...''

''Perhaps we could listen to it together then? I've never had someone to discuss the podcast with.''

Amado thought it over, not exactly keen to share his private belongings with a stranger. After thinking it through he spoke once more. ''Fine stranger, but as long as you keep your distance from me you can listen to it.'


Amado seemed immensely confused, ''Excuse you?''

''My name's Lothair, I'd rather you call me that rather than 'stranger', also refer to me as they/them pronouns by the way.''

''Fine, stranger.''

Lothair rolled his eyes and laughed, ''Fine Sunshine.''

''My name's Amado, He/Him. I'm not Sunshine, so you can stop your little game of calling me that.''

''Aww, but the name suits you so well. Your hair mostly, it's golden and silky, like the suns rays. Your personality is more like a defensive hurricane however.''

''Yeah and your hair is as knotted as a squirrel's tail, and your personality is a little nutty. But you don't see me calling you squirrelman. And if you don't like my personality so much you won't like sharing my phone then.''

''Fine then, I'll be quiet and we can listen to the podcast. Okay Sunshine?''

Amado glared ''Fine Stranger'. He grabbed his phone out of his dress pants pocket, placing it upon the ground between them.

''No headphones? If you want to be that way then make sure it isn't playing too loud.''

''I'm not a child, I just don't want you to get them dirty. Also, I'm not a child, of course it's not going to be played out loud.'' Amado remarked before beginning the podcast, not even asking the other if it was alright to. In all honesty, he barely had any regard for the other's feelings, still unsure if Lothair was friend or foe.

The podcast started to play, a woman's voice coming from the phone. ''It was A Sleepless Night In Ruhette when I, your faithful host, Amaia Iturbide, brought you the juiciest stories from across Ruhette. For tonight's stories we have a local scandal in town of strange disappearances, new sightings of strange objects within the sky, and the most important story of the night, an up close and personal interview with a survivor of the Ruhetter Ravager.''

Amado's eyes widened hearing that, scooting closer towards the phone staring at it.

''But before we start with our stories, we here at the ASNIR podcast would like to thank our sponsors for their support. Firstly Soto Soda, a local brand bringing you the refreshing flavours of spring all year long. The Cortado Room: Tea & Coffee, bringing sweet justice and even sweeter drinks sinc-'' Letting out a disgruntled noise Amado skipped past the ads.

Lothair, trying to break the silence as the podcast buffered spoke. ''Thank Aroa, they always make the ads last ten minutes. It's always way too excessive with the descriptions.''

Amado put a finger to his lip signaling for Lothair to quiet down, wanting to focus on the content of the podcast. Finally the podcast started to play again, the buffering finally having ended.

''-Thanks to all of our sponsors for helping us keep the lights on as always! Tonight we'll be starting with what I'm sure you're all anticipating, the Ruhette Ravager. Within the last six months more and more sightings of the Ravager have been recorded within Cherelle County. Eye witnesses have reported a slender wolf-like creature prowling the forests. And depending on who you may hear it from, it reportedly has long metal-like spikes running down its spine, with a tail like that of a stegosaurus. So if you're ever alone within the County's forests beware. But I'm aware that our most avid listeners aren't here for a recap, they're here for the juicy stuff. Tonight we have in the studio a victim of the Ruhette Ravager, and trust me, from what I've heard you don't want to miss this story! Now for their safety we've decided to tune their voice a few pitches down to keep their privacy. Miss -BLEEP- what had happened before you came in contact with ravager?''

A deeper sounding voice started to speak. ''Well I was visiting my girlfriend last Wednesday on my day off from work, I work at a hospital so it's rare that I get one.'' She laughed

''Does she live far out of town? I mean, if this was a typical report of the Ravager no one has actually seen it within the town for all i'm aware.''

''No, my girlfriend lives about two hours out of town on a small ranch. She loves her work however, and I love her so I'm not too peeved to go out of my way and visit her. However my only complaint about her being so far out is that there's barely any street lights that far out.''

''And as I'm aware, this key factor is what eventually lead to you being in your situation later on.''

''I mean, that could be to blame theoretically? But as I was saying, I had gone to my girlfriend's for dinner. We chatted for about two hours about our lives since the last time we met, and eventually I had to leave and kiss her goodbye. But as soon as I got out the front door I felt this weird feeling, as if I was being watched.''

''What do you mean by 'watched' ?'' Amaia asked, the room going silent as the other thought.

''I don't know, It's just something that didn't feel necessarily right. I'm a nurse and I've had these strange feelings before, and usually when I do I'm always right.'' She laughed. ''I don't mean that in a self righteous way. I mean, whenever this feeling happens at the hospital something is bound to go wrong. Be it a code black or a patient needing immediate help, it always happens.''

''You've got quite the gift of foresight there.'' Amaia remarked. ''Now when you got this feeling outside your girlfriend's door, what happened after?''

''Well, I said goodbye like usual and asked her to keep her phone nearby. She agreed to it, not questioning my motivations and kissed me goodbye. I got in the car, turned the key, played some of my favourite music and started to make my way back to town. The road was a bit bumpy along the way as it was just gravel, but by this point I had gotten used to these roads. It was around nine thirty when I saw something in front of my car, lit up by my car's headlights. Laid in the centre of the road was a severed bear, its body severed in half like it had been through a sawmill. I didn't have time to react before my car ran over it and started to swerve.''

''And this is how you got your injury correct?'' The faint sound of a pen on paper could be heard over the microphone.

''Yes, when my car was swerving it had hit the road barricade, the car door screeching as it smashed into the barricade. My body sprung forward and my forehead smashed into the steering wheel, bruising it in the process. As soon as the car had stopped and I regained my composure I opened my car door. Grabbing my phone I started to dial my girlfriend, bringing the phone to my ear.''

''I'm noticing your starting to shiver, would you like to take a breath before we continue the story?''

''No.. It's just what I saw. When I got out I could see the faint outline of the bear in the moonlight, but there was something behind it. A tall, maybe two meter wolf like beast. Along its back were pointed spikes that seemed to rip out of its spine, and in its jaw it had razor sharp teeth. I didn't know what to do, I stood there frozen. My girlfriend had finally picked up asking was everything alright, and all I could do was scream.''

There was the sound of water being poured. ''Take a sip if needed, you don't need to tell anything you don't want to.''

''I'll be fine, I need to warn other people about this monster. So with my phone in hand I immediately ran back to the car screaming out to my girlfriend. 'Help! I'm thirty minutes down the road from your house, there's something here!''' She took a sip of water and let out a deep sigh. ''I immediately got into the car and slammed the door, trying to start the engine to no avail. But then, there was this big thud as what I assumed to be the creature ran and jumped onto my vehicle's roof. The car alarm screamed into the night as the lights started to flicker. Out the window I saw a claw sneak its way down, the monster was toying with me-.''

Lothair cut in. 'The fire is starting to go out and we have no more kindling, it would probably be better if we went somewhere warmer if you don't want to go home tonight.'' They got up and stretched offering a hand to Amado.

Amado paused the podcast annoyed. ''You cut in, as soon as it's getting into the juicy stuff?''

Lothair laughed. ''Look I don't want to freeze, and you'll most likely be more peeved when you're sick.''

''Well if you want to head somewhere warmer I'll be fine here listening to my podcast.''

''Well unless you're either going back home to listen to it, or to my place then I'm staying here. You'll freeze out here Sunshine, all you're wearing is dress pants and a white button up. That's not exactly very warm, especially with the mud all over your clothing.''

''Well I'm not going home, neither am I going with you. I'm not going with you just for you to drag me into your murder basement. Are you just trying to chain me up and kill me?''

''You still think I'm a murderer after I explained my intentions out here? Do you always think so poorly of everyone you meet?''

Amado got up and put his phone back in his pocket. ''No, I'm just not one to trust random people I don't know.''

''Which I'm assuming is everyone? Who hurt you Sunshine?''

''Look I'm feeling uncomfortable with this conversation, and I still have mud all over me. I'd rather just go home and deal with my issues rather than go with you.''

''So you're going home?''

''Why do I have to tell you anything again?''

''Because I want you safe, besides if anything bad happens to you I'd feel guilty.''

''I'm just a stranger to you, why does it matter?'' Amado rolled his eyes and started to walk in the completely wrong direction.

''Well if you stayed out here alone you wouldn't last more than half an hour. There's bears, lynx, wolves, coyotes and of course the Ruhette Ravager.''

''Yes and if I find said Ravager, I'll be sure to get a photo.''

''So you're a sell out?''

''No I'm just really interested in cryptids is all, so it'd be cool to meet one.''

Lothair rolled their eyes watching Amado. ''Meet one, you'll get yourself killed if the stories are true. But go on alone then, I'll be here if you need me. I'm going home in an hour so if you're still out here good luck on your own.''

Amado flipped Lothair off, reconnecting his phone to his bluetooth earbuds. Reopening the Songbyrd app he resumed the podcast and it started to buffer. Putting the earbuds in he began to walk off alone. Now he was able to be alone with his thoughts, not having to worry about what had happened hours ago. Actually how long has he been out here alone, he thought. Looking at his phone's clock he came to a realization. 'I haven't spent five and a half hours out here with that idiot, have I? It was eight thirty when I left and now it's two'. Amado sighed and closed his eyes, calming himself. 'It doesn't matter, I was unconscious half the time I was out here anyway. My mothers won't care as long as I'm home before lunch tomorrow morning anyway.'

The podcast finished and started to play again, scaring Amado a little bit as the woman's voice spoke once more. ''The monster started to scratch the window and I cried whilst speaking to my girlfriend. 'I need help, call the police. There was a severed bear in the road and there's some wolf-like monster chasing me'. She responded that everything would be okay before hanging up. Sat alone in my car I tried to hide from it the best I could, hiding between the driver's seat and the pedals.''

Amaia took a sip of water and sighed. ''How did the monster react when this happened?''

The woman started to cry, blowing her nose into a tissue. ''It let out this loud terrifying growl, the cars door starting to open. A monstrous claw gently scraped along the leather seat and then it's head came through the door, turning to look at-''

''Me!'' Lothair shouted and grabbed Amado's shoulders.

Amado screamed and turned to Lothair, slapping them across the face impulsively. He shook terrified before yelling annoyed. ''You were following me?''

They laughed and smiled. ''Of course I was, wouldn't want you getting lost would I, Sunshine?''

''And as I said I'll be fine on my own.'' Amado stopped the ground like a toddler angry, his face red between the ears.

''Well Sunshine, you failed to realise your bluetooth headphones were broken. And as such everyone in a five metre radius can hear your phone.''

Amado sighed. ''Of course they broke in the shitty fall. But as I said, I'm fine out here on my own.''

''Also if you're so fine on your own why're you still covered in mud and shivering?''

He fell silent, Amado had failed to realize how cold he truly was.

''Come on, we'll go back to mine as I said. If you don't want to go home then you can atleast come back to mine. I told you I had running water didn't I? You can use my shower to wash off all the mud and warm up.''

Reluctantly Amado nodded. ''Fine but If I come shower at yours you don't get to watch.''

''As I said earlier, I don't dream of seeing a random stranger naked in front of me. Also, who watches another shower anyway. That's invasion of privacy in my eyes.''

Amado looked away not wanting to focus on the shower thing. ''Just know I'm not coming out of choice, I'm coming because-.''

''You're covered in mud? You made a fool of yourself? You're immensely bored and think that this 'strangers' alright to be around?'' Lothair teased.

''Look, you got it the first time alright. No matter how hard you push you won't be someone I like on my first night of knowing you, and hopefully I don't get to see you again after tonight. I'll just follow you okay. And still this must be a waste of your time if you're really trying to kill me.''

Lothair looked a tad sad about that. ''You really need to stop listening to that podcast don't you?''

''No.'' Amado glared.

They sighed. ''Fine follow me, and if you get lost just yell or something.''

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