Chapter 2

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On the walk to Lothair's residence Amado was dead silent, beside a few coughs and annoyed sighs. Lothair however was trying to make small talk whilst they walked, but Amado had no interest in conversing with them. Knowing that this would mostly be a one sided friendship, the former wanted to at least leave Amado with a good first impression. Lothair kept bringing up the podcast only to get responses of.

''If you were so interested in it, we could have stayed back there and listened to it''


''Stop trying to be my friend, you only met me tonight weirdo.''

They knew that Amado would most likely just go home by the end of the night, and probably never try to interact with them again. But hey, wasn't it atleast worth a shot at trying to form a friendship?

''Were here'' Lothair announced as they walked up the cabin's stoop, digging into their pockets trying to find the key.

''So the strange person in the woods, lives in a strange cabin?''

''Hey! It's still connected to the nearest freeway. Just because it's got no neighbours doesn't mean it's strange. It's quite cosy on the inside.''

''Let me guess, a bear skin rug and taxidermy animal heads on the walls. Sounds real quaint to me, straight out of my worst nightmares.''

''You're taking the fact that I kill animals way too far Sunshine. I promise you the inside is not what you imagine.''

Amado rolled their eyes. ''I'll judge it myself. Also, you still haven't explained why you were just roaming around and smoking in the woods.''

''I still won't tell you, unless you tell me why you're out here. Also how can you not connect the dots, Amado I'm a hunter that's why I'm out here.''

He laughed under his breath. ''Fine, so you're a hunter. Then how come all night you've been out here without any sort of hunting equipment.''

''Because I wanted to do surveillance. You don't exactly understand the type of guilt that comes with killing a living being, do you?'' Lothair unlocked the door finally after struggling with the lock. ''Well, your shower awaits. So no more prying into my personal life alright? Also make sure to take off your shoes.''

Amado nodded and walked in, taking a seat on a chair beside the front door. Untying their oxfords before taking a glance down the entry hall. There were rooms along one of the hallway walls, with an archway leading into what seemed to be a living room. The cabin smelt nice, like a sandalwood candle had just been lit. ''Fine, I guess I misjudged you.''

''Oh that feels so nice to hear.'' Lothair smiled.

''But that doesn't mean I'm not pissed at you for scaring me earlier. I'm only here to shower alright, I'm not here to waste more time talking to you.''

''And you're only in my house because I invited you back and didn't want you to die out in the cold, okay? Maybe you should think about treating others better.''

Amado glared daggers.

Lothair sighed. ''Fine, the bathrooms down the hallway third door on the right, you can't miss it. There should also be a guest bedroom down there so feel free to change into whatever clothes I have spare.'' Lothair yelled as Amado walked off ''By the way, feel free to help yourself to whatever toiletries you find.''

''Any rooms I'm not meant to go into?''

''Only the one at the end of the hall, that's my bedroom. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, alright Sunshine?''

Amado didn't respond, closing the bathroom door quickly behind them and locking it.

They sighed and granted Amado the privacy they required, going through to the kitchen and putting on their apron. 'I mean if he's here I may as well treat him to a meal, it's the least I could do after he let me listen to the podcast with him. Then again he does keep treating me like shit.' Lothair grabbed out their mother's old cookery book from on top of the fridge, flicking through the pages before landing on Ragoût de Boulettes. 'Hopefully he likes venison, if not then I guess there'll be an issue. As long as it's warm and inviting it should please him, I mean maman always made it for Ophelie and I.'

They read the page on Ragoût de Boulettes before starting to search their pantry for ingredients. 'Breadcrumbs, minced venison... I should have some from earlier this week.' Lothair thought before grabbing the bowl of leftover venison from the fridge and placed it on the kitchen island. Turning back to the book they started to walk around the kitchen acquiring the rest of the ingredients. 'Mushrooms, potatoes, rosemary-' Lothair stood in front of the drying rack nailed to the wall above the kitchen window searching for the Rosemary. 'How do I have oregano and marjoram but no rosemary? Doesn't matter, what else do I need.'

Reading the book they let out a displeased groan, taking off their apron and hanging it. Lothair yelled down the hallway before they started to put their rain boots on. ''Hey Amado I'm just heading outside to grab some herbs from the garden, I'll be back in five minutes okay?''

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