Chapter 10 - Encounter The Unknown

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Through the dark purple portal stepped out a woman with light blue hair, black plain clothes, and super pale hands on her arms, head and face as multiple other villains followed her through the portal

Kirishima: What's that? Are those a bunch of actors or something?

Zane went to step forward to get a closer look

Aizawa: Don't move!

She lifted her yellow goggles up to her eyes

Aizawa: Those are villains!

Everyone gained a worried expression as a large purple bird headed villain stepped through next to the blue haired villain

Portal: Thirteen and Eraserhead, huh? The teacher schedule we received the other day said that All Might was supposed to be here.

Two long yellow eyes appeared in the portal 

Aizawa: So the trespassing the other day was their work, huh?

The small army of villains all walked forward 

Handface: Where is she? I went through the trouble of bringing so many playmates, too... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... I cant believe she's not here. I wonder will her dead students draw her out?

Up at the top of the stairs Aizawa prepared her binding cloth 

What pro heroes fight against and what they face... Is an extraordinary evil.

Down below the 'playmates' all walked to the stairs

Kaminari: What? Villains?

Kirishima: No way... There's no way they could get into a hero school!

Then Momo stepped up

Yaoyorozu: Ms. Thirteen, why aren't the sensors going off?

Thirteen: We have them of course, but...

Then Shoko put in her input

Todoroki: Did they only appear here, or all around the school? Either way, if the sensors aren't going off, It has to be one of the villains doing. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb.

She narrowed her eyes looking at the supposed leader

Todoroki: This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind.

Everyone looked at her worried

Aizawa: Thirteen, get these kids out of here! Try contacting the school! I'll hold them off! Kaminari. Use your Quirk to signal for help!

She stepped to the stairs

Zane: Ms. Aizawa, are you going to fight by yourself? Even with your erasure Quirk, your not really adept to fighting large groups! Fighting off that many is...

Aizawa: You cant be a hero with one trick.

She leaned forward

Aizawa: I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen.

The hero nodded as Eraserhead jumped down

Finger-Guns: Shooting squad, lets go.

She aimed her fingers at the hero

Weird Hair: Didn't our intel say it would just be Thirteen and All Might?

Her hair started floating as another villain walked to them

Stitches: I don't know! But if she thinks she can come at us from the front by her lonesome... Then she's a huge idiot!

They all prepared to fire at Aizawa but being the hero she is Eraserhead erased all their Quirks preventing them from firing 

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