Prologue: The Day I Met You, You Took My Breath Away

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A/N: So why am I writing this? Well, there's a few reasons:

1. I like Silver, she's a great content creator (this is not parasocial, I promise)

2. I'm almost certainly autistic myself

3. I felt like this fit and I have a lot I would love to do with it, but probably won't

The next chapter will kinda just be the pair interacting a bit, basic shit that I felt fit, but nothing major happens, in honesty. I'm still figuring out how exactly I'm gonna get to the destination, but I'll figure it out eventually.

Also, as a disclaimer: I don't know Silvervale personally. This fanfiction is not a reflection of her as a person, nor is it meant to be. This is a story about my idea of who Silvervale is, not necessarily who she actually is. It is far more her as the character I envision for this story than it is about who she really is.

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[Y/n], a young man at the age of 21, is traversing the farmers market in Seattle, Washington. He's tired and definitely nervous, but he's pushing through it. He's looking around for anything else he'd like to pick up. He feels his phone vibrate and checks it to see a text from his friend, Tom.

Tom: Hey, you up to anything?

[Y/n]: Shopping, farmers' market.

Tom: Finding everything?

[Y/n]: Yeah, just fine.

Tom: You feeling okay and all?

[Y/n]: Fine for now, thanks for the concern.

As he's texting Tom, he runs into something, sending him to the ground. His basket, thankfully, lands right side up, so none of the contents spill. He sits up and looks ahead as people avoid him and the person across from him, and who he sees surprises him.

"Oh, um... You're Silvervale, right?" he asks the woman.

"Yeah, I... I am."

She stands up and reaches her hand down to him. He takes a second before taking it. She pulls him up before he leans down and picks up both of their baskets. As he hands hers back, she finally gets a better look at him.

"Wait a second! You're SeattleMudCrabs!" she quietly shouts.

"Yeah, that's me. How do you know me?"

"Same way you know me, I guess. I'm a fan."

"Oh, yeah. I am a fan of you. Guess I just didn't expect my content to be your style."

"Neither did I, really. But you're a pretty funny guy."

"Oh, I appreciate that." He rubs the back of his head, slightly embarrassed.

"You, um... You done shopping? Because I just picked up the last thing for me and my mom."

"Yeah, I just finished up as well."

"Wanna grab lunch together? I'd love to get to know you a bit. It's not every day you meet one of your greatest inspirations, you know."

"Um... Sure. I'd like that."

"Great! I know a nice place right near here."

"Take the lead."

She begins leading him away and talking to him about how much he inspired her and how surprising it was to find out he lived in the same city she did. She keeps talking about various things as [Y/n] just nods along, trying to avoid eye contact. He's not obviously nervous, but he definitely isn't quite calm on the inside.

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