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Tw: suicide,murder,parental abuse, mentions of bullying, lightly implied rape.

Full name: Kameki Ryuzaki
Body's age: 18
Soul's age: 144
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/lt
Body's life span: 1926-1944
Current year in his world: 2088
Height: 6'2
Appearance: pink-ish hair cut short with two strands that shape his face with a short ponytail , pale skin with eye bags and a scar on his right cheek, one dark blue eye and one grey eye, normally wears a white button down shirt with a grey sweater over top, baggy jeans, and black high tops.

(before death)
Kameki was born in the year 1926 to Shoko and Ken Ryuzaki in Ojai California, His mother was to put lightly an alcoholic slut, his father was never home and when he was home he was fighting with Shoko, Kameki was born with his pink hair despite it being not being in his family's genetics which started the fighting between Shoko and Ken. By the time Kameki is 7 his father has committed suicide after nearly killing Shoko and feeling intense regret for it, leaving Kameki with his mother who has a new man in bed every other night at this point, sometimes the men Shoko would bring home would beat and mistreat kameki for no reason. This goes on till he is 10 and he finally snaps and kills his mom while she's sleeping. He runs away and is found by Monika sawyer and her father Jake. He takes Kameki in with open arms and life is good up until he is 15. Monika and Kameki start high school together and are best friends, Kameki would occasionly be bullied for his appearance whether it was his hair, eyes, or pale skin. Soon the bullying would become so bad that he would skip school. Not wanting to repeat what he did to his mother.
:Side notes:
-Kameki used to be really close with his mother and it used to be a really nice relationship, she was the only person who made him feel loved even though his parents fought about him...up until his father died.
-When Monika found him it was when he beat up a kid bullying her, she was his first friend.
-Kameki was getting bullied so bad that he once got
beat up so bad he ended up with a broken rib. No one,not even Monika would help him.
:end of side notes:

(Post death)
As time goes by Monika(17) and Kameki(18) grow
distant, almost always fighting. Jake and Monika knew about his past but didn't blame him for it, though sometimes they were scared of him. As time goes by Monika and Kameki get invited to a small party out in the woods. About two days before this party they get into a huge fight and she calls him a "Psychotic murderer who should join his family in hell" she immediately regrets what she said but before she can apologize he storms off. The day of the party comes and it's good for a bit, until Kameki sees Monika get dragged off by two guys. He goes to follow them into the woods that surround the house. He eventually loses them but then hears Monika scream and runs in that direction to find a run down cabin, he busts the door open to find her laying on the ground surrounded in her own blood, he rushes to her in a panic throwing the guys onto the ground. Her last words to him were an apology and a wish to keep her dad safe. She then dies in his arms, he then notices the knife on the ground next to her, he picks it up and lunges at one of the guys stabbing him over and over again not seeing the other guy behind him holding an axe. right as he turns around it hits his neck and it all goes dark... The last thing he sees is the last guy stabbing himself. The next day police arrive and find the bodies and leave it as a murder suicide. When Jake finds out about Kameki and Monika he is overcome with greif that night he kills himself thinking he lost his kids. That same night when the police are gone Kameki's eyes open again he sits up and looking at the bodies around him, he remembers everything, He takes Monika's body back to their house only to find the only other person he had hanging in the living room. This is the night Kameki lost everything including himself.

Character is still a work in progress :)

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