CHAPTER THREE: The Compensation

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CHAPTER THREE:The Compensation

“I said, Be.My.Personal.Maid. Do you understand it now? Or should I intensively discuss the meaning of it?” he said while grinning. He was probably really amused by how I reacted.

“Of course I do! I’m not an idiot.” I countered while scowling.

“Then good!”




Then I walked out. I’ve got to walk far away from him ‘cause I don’t want to see his expression now. It really annoys me.


What’s on my mind right now? Well, the things that had happened to me on my very first day of school. Such a disaster!

I am really confused now. How did it become this way?What’s going to happen to me now? Never mind, I’ll go ask Julianne and maybe she’ll give me an advice.

She was sitting in a couch reading something. I walked to her with such speed.  And when she saw me, she eyed me intensely. I sat beside her and realized she was reading “The Son of Neptune” by Rick Riordan. Still, she looked at me with piercing eyes.

“W-what?” I stammered.

“What do you want?” she said with one brow up high.

“Hey, I just wanna chitchat with my bestfriend. You know, how your first day of school was.” I answered with puppy dog eyes.

“Spit it.” She said with such authority.

“Fine. Well, you see. My first day went really bad. I was using my bike to go to school. Then something happened. My bike-collided-with-a-ferrari-and-the-owner-was-really-angry-because-his-ferrari-was-scratched-a-little-then-he-wants-me-to-pay-not-with-money-but-by-being-his-personal-maid.” I said it nonstop. I doubt she caught my sentence with that.

“Then, be his personal maid.” She advised nonchalantly.

“Such a good best friend. I thought you’ll say something to cheer me up.” I pouted and was amazed that she even understood what I was trying to say.

“Just do what he says. It’s partly your fault anyway.” She added.

“Gaaaah. Fine fine. I’ll go to sleep now, we’re still early for tomorrow.” I stood up and went to my bed.

I prayed before going to sleep. I was hoping that my day tomorrow will be okay. I closed my eyes and thought about things that makes me happy. Little did I know, I already fell asleep.

Piriring pirirung. Piriring pirirung.

I woke up ‘cause of the sound of my alarm clock. I guess that’s the most annoying sound in the world ever! I really hate waking up so early in the morning. My eyes were still dropping but I forced myself to sit up. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 5:00 am. Uhn.

Oh, hey. 3 messages received. I wonder who might these be?I thought while staring at my phone.

I read the messages. They were from my friend Anna, my bestfriend Julianne, and some unknown number.


Hey Zyke! Please be early to school now, ‘kay? ‘Cause something came up and I need to go to the admission office and I beg you. Pretty pretty please. Come with me?


Sure Anna! J


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