"this place maybe not so bad"

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(I honestly have no idea why i agreed to do this but im here now so if this is cringe im SO sorry,,also spelling mistakes will be made,,,)
(l/f/c = least favorite class)

3rd person pov

The day was hot, Very hot it was one of those days were you didnt care if you were wearing the shortest shirt and shorts aslong as it wasnt has hot as it is. You were walking too this new university your friend suggested you go to, she went there too, Yanfei always wanted you two to go to the same university with you, you two had been best friends since forever, so it was only normal. The long walk was over. Here you were, the biggest university youd ever seen. "Its...definitely something.." you said bluntly "Oh cmonn lighten up! This place is super fun the studies arent that hard you know" Yanfei spoke with little courage yet you believed her. Slightly. But that wasnt your biggest concern, There was people ever. Now not to be one of those,
'shy' and 'tiny' girls but you just didnt like being around...well people in general, "Great..." you whispered to the air "Its nice Yanfei, but you know how i do around lots of people" you said, "Oh y/n i knowww" she spoke extending the 'w' in 'know' "But youll always have me! i may have done a few things to get us in the same classes so theres no need to worry !" she spoke with alot more enthusiasm than last time "Okay whatever you say Yanfei..."


It was your least favorite class up next doing introductions for the last 4 class was alot more tiring than it seems "Ugh, Yanfei i hate hate hate this l/f/c" you said groaning at the end "Oh cmon y/nn, its not that ba-" "AH" you interrupted her with a thud on the ground "Ah y/n-" Yanfei getting interrupted again "Ahaha, sorry about that i wasnt paying attention" the male said rubbing the back of his neck "Its fine,," Yanfei said "Yeah dont worry about it" you said "Ah yes here let me help you up?" the male reached his hand down, You gladly accepted- "woah" you whispered to yourself
(holy shit his hands are- Y/n oh my god dont think about that you perv jesus christ) "Are you alright over there?"
"Ahaha yes im fine just a little surprised i guess.." you spoke as you felt your cheeks warming "Ah yes i should introduce myself, Im Tartaglia, but just call me Childe or Ajax it doesnt matter to me" he said giving you a small smile
"Well nice to meet you Childe, Im Y/n, this is my friend Yanfei" You spoke without embrassing yourself, which was amazing "Ah yes my class is starting soon i better get going see you around Y/n!" "Yep see you...around.."
You felt eyes thru the back if your head turning around to see Yanfei staring at you has if you had just told her your celebrity crush or just crush in general
"I saw that~" the pink haired girl teased "S-saw what?" You spoke while your cheeks were slowly being dusted with pink "Oh cmon dont play dumb, you were clearly flirting with this guy..or Childe" Yanfei said while still giving you that look "Listen Fei, i dont believe in love at first sight okay? I just was surprised no crushes i swear"
"Mhm..." Yanfei said "Fei im serious"
"okay okay ill stop but i have to get to my next class...Sooo...Bye Y/n ill see you at lunch" she left with a wink "phew" you said to yourself "next class....hm.."
Ah great. It was across the building "Time for a walk i guess"

Making in to the classroom in time you see a familiar face. Ah. It was Childe
you purposely sat beside him afyer your little introduction to the rest if the class was over. "Ahem" the ginger spoke
"Ah yes i saw you" you added a small laugh at the end "Its nice to know we have this class together" he spoke very quiet but to his surprise "Tartaglia, do you have anything you wanna share to the rest of the class?" the Teacher spoke
"Nope" was all that you heard come out
"Thought so, pair up with the new girl were doing a project its due next Tuesday"

That boring ass class was over.
You and Childe were walking to the cafeteria and you went to search for Yanfei, spotting the pink haired girl you ran over to sit down, but uh oh. was all that Yanfei said when you fell. Embrassing. you said to yourself
You were being held up by a muscular figure, You looked up to see Childe
"Having some trouble princess?"
Princess. Nevermind that you said to yourself "N-No im fine thank you"
he lifted you up and took you to the bathrooms to clean yourself up
he helped. trying not to touch you anywhere youd hate him for
He liked you.
Not like that obviously.
Not yet atleast
"Thank you, Childe"
"Helping a friend out is what i do"
he left the restroom with a wink
you left and went to finish eating with Yanfei

End of the day, from it being scorching Hot a couple hours ago, it was already raining "Shit" you said under your breath. Youd forgotten an umbrella
"Man, it didnt even look like it was gonna rain...God, why me"
you heard a small chuckle behind you
"Dont cry princess, i can always walk you home" the ginger behind you said
"Ah thank you, But please, drop the nickname" you asked kindly
"But you are I cant help it"
you felt your face becoming red again
"L-lets just go"
the male chuckled again

"Nice house, Care to invite me over one night?" he joked "oh um if you want we can work on that project right now?" You asked, "Hm sounds good to me, someones watching my brother,"
"oh? you have a brother?"
"yep hes a little trouble maker but i love him" Sweet, you said to yourself "Well lets hurry its still raining"
he nodded and you to walked up and in the house.

end of chapter~

sorry its so short the next chapter will hopefully be longer,,


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