You have a cook/bake off 💕

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His food was better than yours and you were upset because he was bragging
"stfu" after you said that he realized that you were upset
"Wait nooo im sorry" he runs up to you and gives you a bear hug
"it's ok chan, just let me go"

He would tease you so bad bro
"ewwww" he says with a disgusted face
"What, you normal like when i make ramen?" you say looking at him
"I'm sorry, I was feeding it to the dog"
"We don't have a dog, eat the ramen or I'll give you something else to eat" you say as you walk over and give him a kiss
"i-" as he says that you walk away and go into the room

"idc if yours is good, mine is still better" he crosses his arms and pout
"But binnie you ate the entire bowl"
"idc" he says still pouting ad crossing his arms and you laugh
"Ok binnie" you say after you walked up and kissed him

*pretends to faint*
"tf, you ok?"
"This shit so good"

Is lowkey impressed
"Oooooo this bussin" he says as he takes bite
"yeaaa don't say that ever again"

He made brownies, you can't beat that
"that's not fair" you crossed your arms as you say that
"Your cookies are good tho" he says as he bites into one
"mhm" you say as you eat a brownie while laughing

Is literally so happy but tries not to express it
"it's good" then walks away

so happy that his dish won
"YAY, i like yours better tho, imma just take it" he says as he takes the bowl away from you, gives you his, then walks away with the bowl in his hand


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