Ranboos POV + Part 3 highschool au

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(Haha ok so TW sweaRing abuse and eating disorders)
I walk towards the table at the back of the lunch room as I look around for tommy and tubbo, soon I see tubbo walking over with his boxed lunch

"Ranboo!" Tubbo yells as he walks over too me happily asalways

"Hey tubbo" I say as I have a sit

"Tommy's going to be a bit late he said he had to use the bathrooms" Tubbo says sitting down next to me.

"Oh ok" I say as I look at my food , I have a sandwich and chips normal lunch

(20 minutes later)

It's been 20 minutes and I'm starting to get worried it's already free period and Me and Tubbo haven't seen Tommy . I look over to Tubbo

"Hey I'm going to go check out what Tommy's doing" I say as I start to walk into the hallway on my way to the bathrooms. Once I get to the bathroom I walk in and see Tommy in one of the stalls standing up
*knock knock* I knock on the bathroom stall

"Knock knock Tommy open up it's taxes" I say jokingly as he opens the door

"The hell I was thinking about life?!" He says in a annoyed tone

"Sorry I ruined your day dreams about sexy women!" I say as I start getting a bit more annoyed "I was just checking on you! You have been in here for over 20 minutes am I right?" I say as I look at him in my bad bitch stance

"Ok let's drop it, it doesn't matter anyways just go hang out with tubbo I'm busy." He sighs

"Just come on toms" I say as I look at him
He turns on the sink

"Just go"
Sheesh he got angsty quick I try to grab his shoulder but I stop myself

"Ok, but you are always welcome to hang with me and tubs" I say as I walk away
(Tommy's POV)

Fuck ranboo fuck tubbo Fuck school I'm heading home!
I run out the door and head home even though it's the middle of the day I don't give a damn!

Once I get to my house I look up at and take it all in,

I am rich so you would imagine I have a huge house? Well fuck your wrong I live in a small ass house that's pretty much as big as a cheep apartment.
I am NOT rich my parents are and just because they are rich doesn't mean I am I just sit around like a useless pile of flesh as they yell at me for my imperfections.

It's sickening.

I walk up to the door and slowly open it too make sure my parents aren't home, and-
Just my luck they are home

"Why the FUCK are you here brat?!" My mum yells as he dashes to the door
I look up at her with a scared look

"I-I I just threw up at school!" I say bringing both hands up into the air as a sign of defeat

"Your fucking always throwing up you have that stupid non-eating shit going on!" She says as she throws her phone at my head harshly

Ow fuck that hurt

((Hahahahahhahah so uh I spent 20 minutes writing this so uh not the best quality also if you hate this ship shut up cause haha this is my account
Also I'm thinking about doing a
Ranboo X Billzo fanfic :]

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