1. Normal?

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A normal, boring day, just like always came and went. My everyday rituals passed my day by quickly and uninterestingly like dust in the wind. Repetition and sameness were the norm. That night, just like every other, as the sun grew weary from its full-time job and began to lay down to rest, I was spotted by the same squerrels who were preparing to settle down for the night again as well. I jogged through our neighborhood park, which was empty, as usual. I listened to the same playlist that I used every night at this same time in this same place.

That night, though, was no ordinary night.

As I routinely slipped my earbuds into my ears and stuffed my phone in my favorite hoodie's worn pocket, a breeze blew past my drenched, salty face, cooling it down. My long, dark, wavy hair swayed gracefully in the wind as I slowed down to take in the night air. My breath, I noticed, had become short and quick, so I stopped at the bench, the same one that I stop at every night, to rest.

As the wind grew more and more intense, the sky rapidly darkened, clouds forming an army in the sky. I decided that heading home might be the best idea tonight, so I raised myself back onto my feet. Behind me, a twig snapped. My eyes immediately scanned the treeline. Nothing. Shrugging, I decided it must have been a rabbit or something, and so I turned back towards the path that ran through the park. However, I was unexpectedly greeted with a tall, dark structure. All that I could see, before I passed out, were crimson red eyes and pitch black hair. Both of these accompanied a truly handsome face, one that may only exist in movies.

I opened my eyes after a restless nap, groggy as always. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, comforted by my... bed?

When did I get a bed?

I quickly examined my surroundings. The room that I was in had dark-blue walls, a dark, wooded floor, as well as a fan to match it, supported by a clean, white ceiling. I could see only a single window and 2 doors, one of which definitely looked like a closet door. I slowly and quietly crept towards the "normal" one and attempted to open it.


I couldn't pry open the window, either, so I was forced to continue my examination.

There was a dresser with 5 long shelves. Inside of the closet were men's clothing, and the bed held 2 plain-black pillows and a plain-black comforter. Directly beside the bed was a plain-black, circular carpet.

Whoever kidnapped me must really appreciate the color black.

I decided that the only thing that I could do in this extremely normal bedroom, with my shoes having already been laying beside the door when I'd woken up, was chill until whoever took me decided to show their face. I didn't know what I would say to them, just that I wouldn't let myself get worked up, and thus become irrational. As time passed, though, I quickly grew bored, and decided to just take a nap.

I was woken up to a hand on my left shoulder which shook me lightly. Turning my body away from the touch, I flipped over onto my other side. When the intruder came again, touching my right shoulder, I turned again, this time falling off of the bed, effectively waking me up.

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