Chapter 1

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End-of-year testing, senior trips, field trips, and prom. All the things you think about when the end of school rolls around. It always seems to come quicker and quicker each year. As you grow older, it seems like the concept of time just becomes more and more elusive. It all just becomes a blur. All these events happen, one after the other, and usually Jake wouldn't pay much mind to it, but as a certain event neared, he couldn't help but feel his stomach twist. And no, it wasn't twisting due to a random mouse he gobbled on his way to school this time.

Prom. One of the biggest events of the school year at Spooky High. Everyone is always scrambling around at this time of the year to try and find themselves a partner to take to prom. Usually, that didn't include Jake, but this year was.. different. Because this time, he had someone that came to mind whenever he thought about going to prom. That wasn't normal for Jake Harpy, who rarely had feelings for anyone. But when it came to a certain demon, tables turned.

It started as a little crush, with the occasional, innocent, "Yeah I'd let him fuck me" thoughts. Nothing much. Besides, almost anyone would let Damien LaVey fuck them. But then it only grew from there. Jake found himself staring a lot more often and for a lot longer than he should. He only got caught twice, a judging scowl from Damien following. Jake always got incredibly embarrassed each time. Every time he told himself that he'd stop staring, he'd bump into Damien and trip over himself all over again.

Why Damien? Why now? He asked himself constantly. He had known Damien for such a long time. Not personally, but being in this school for years with Damien, he had of course seen him around. How could he not? Damien was one of the most popular and sought-after people in school. Which brought him back to the question. God, WHY did it have to be Damien? Jake was certain he would never get a chance with Damien. He was certain that Damien was already asked to Prom at this point. Why try?

Jake sulked in defeat before he felt a finger poking him in the shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. He perks up, looking up to see who it was.

"Oh... hey Vicky." He plops his head back down after greeting his franken-friend. 

Jake hears the squeak of the chair beside him at his cafeteria table as Vicky sits beside him.

"Why are you looking so glum, hmm?" She asks, ducking her head underneath the table to peak up at Jake's face, which was resting in his arms.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." He lies. Like hell, he was gonna tell Vicky about his crush on Damien. He'd NEVER hear the end of it. That and... he shudders at the thought of Vicky maybe attempting to get them together. He wouldn't be able to handle that level of embarrassment.

"... You realize that I know that's a straight-up lie right?" Vicky says, sitting back up. "You haven't even touched your lunch- usually you'll have gobbled it up by now."

Jake sighs. He found it sweet how Vicky cared enough about him to be so persistent, but at this point, he just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts. Or did he? He inwardly groans as he realizes that he didn't know what he wanted. Maybe he should talk to Vicky about what's going on... He stayed silent as he considered it in his head.

"Come onnn... talk to me! I'm your best friend, you can tell me if something's up! I promise." Vicky reaches her hand over and starts pruning Jake's feathers to help calm him down. (Basically like playing with someone's hair.)

He lets out yet another sigh before angling his head so that his jaw was now resting on his arms. He closes his eyes as Vicky prunes his feathers.

"... I have a problem." He admits.

"Well, that much is obvious." She chuckles

He rolls his eyes and stares at the table.

"....I have a crush on someone-"


"SHSHSHSH-" He puts his hand over Vicky's mouth before she could start going off on a rant. "I'm NOT telling you who yet- just lemme talk-"

Vicky sighed, disappointed but nodded. She was interested enough that Jake of all people had a crush.

"Okay... so I have this crush- but.." He hesitates, trying to find his wording "The chances of me getting a chance with him are very, incredibly, and disappointingly low."

"Annnddd what makes you think that..?" Vicky asks, tilting her head slightly.

"Because... I'm me and he's.... he-? It's hard to explain.." Not without giving too much info on who it is anyway.

"Are you wanting to ask him to prom? Is that what you're thinking about?" Vicky asks.

"Uh-... maybe- But he's probably already been asked at this point, I wouldn't be surprised." He scoffs.

"Andddd what if he hasn't been asked yet? Does he have a partner or something?"

"Well- no- but... I dunno.." Jake groans.

"Okay well... You have two options. One is to just not do anything about your crush and let it get run into the dust, and you won't ever think about it again. Or... you can take a chance...and ask him to Prom and have an AMAZING night. And who knows- maybe you two will end up getting together and dating? Wouldn't that be nice?" Vicky smiles

"Orrrr option three, I could ask The Coven to put a spell on me that would turn me invisible, and then I can pretend like I'm going to prom with him and he just can't see me."

"...Now that's just being creepy." Vicky states, raising a brow. "Okay- all I'm saying is that you give him a try! If you get rejected, that's that. Rejection is all very normal. But It's worth a shot to go ahead and give it a try! Maybe you two will fall in loveeeee!" She was very eager at the thought of her bestie falling in love for the first time.

"I dunno Vicky- I just... what if we DO fall in love and then he dumps my ass- what if I get hurt?"

"Then welcome to life. It's all about having those kinds of experiences. Jake, you can't just hide from them. How else are you supposed to grow? If you'll get anything from a relationship, it is the experience of learning how to love. You'll still have all those good experiences after breaking up, and y'know what? The bad experiences are good to have as well. You learn from those a lot more than anything else. Just give dating a try! You'll never know how much you'll like ittt!" Vicky lectured, trying her best to convince him dating wasn't that scary.

Jake just stayed silent, thinking about it. He let his mind wander to what it might be like to be with Damien... He felt his cheeks grow hot as his mind started to wander and he shook his head slightly to rid himself of those thoughts.

"...I'll think about it." He finally says.

"YES! I mean-... very good." Vicky pats Jake's feathery head. He just rolled his eyes again. "Careful with how often you roll your eyes. If you keep doing that, your eye will get stuck in the back of your head." Vicky chuckles.

"What are you, my mom?" Jake chuckles, squinting at her. Vicky just laughs with him.

They spend the rest of lunchtime eating their food and chatting about other random things. The more that Jake thought about what they had talked about though, the more he considered maybe giving asking Damien to prom a try. He had a sudden burst of determination, feeling himself get confident. Jake could just spend time with Damien and get him to fall for him, and then asking him to prom will be a piece of cake!

Challenge ACCEPTED.

(End of the first chapter! I'm just hoping that Grammarly caught all my fuck ups)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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