Want to know a little more about me and my writing process? Well, here you go!
This is supposed to be a place where not only where I am in editing my books and when you can expect a new upload, but where you can ask questions that I might answer!
Okay so I write my stories in a google doc before transferring them onto Wattpad but I'd just like to say this little gem I commented while writing cause I was tried when editing the prologue
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I hope you liked the angst and mommy issues in the edited version! Because if you don't then hey at least you won't really have to deal with it very much after the first part.
Especially since this was supposed to be the given context for later scenes between Valkyrie, who will now be Clémentine, and Maika, Clémentine's mom.
And yeah that's it, if you have any questions make sure to ask! Bye bye!