Human Race

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((Okay but guys, if you have a trigger to anything, self harm, suicide, bullying I suggest you don't read this for your own safety))

I don't belong here,

Not in this atmosphere,

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

You sat at lunch, your best friend Alfred by your side. Smiling at him, masking the deep sadness only showing in your dull (e/c) eyes. Not that Alfred would notice anyways, he was always happy, sometimes not noticing some others pain, if it is hidden that is.

I don't belong here,

Not in this atmosphere,

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

You see, you're depressed, suicidal, and to make it all worse, you're parents aren't home anymore and you get bullied every day, at least Alfred never see's right? He was the man you had a crush on, not like he would go out with you anyways, like look at you, you're fat, ugly, and just all around disgusting, know wonder they bully you and your parents stay away from home.

Started with a kick and a punch,

A claw to the face,

And I was in the race,

Yeah, yeah

You get slammed against your locker, a small whimper escaping your lips as you slide down to the floor in pain. They're at it again, the jocks and the snobby "perfect" girls. You feel a kick to your already bruised ribs as they all laugh, they just love seeing you in pain don't they? You crack your swollen eyes open looking up at them with a pleading look, but that ain't going to help you, no, it never does. One of the girls lean down, getting close to your face she whispers harshly and deadly, "Don't you ever, do you hear me, ever hang around Alfred again, he's too perfect for you, I don't even see why he hangs out with you anyways, just look at you." She sneers standing up, kicking you harshly. Yelping in pain you notice them starting to leave, well it is Friday anyways.

You know it's hard sometimes,

Being humankind,

Keeping up with the pace,

Keeping up with the pace,

Yeah, yeah

Sighing, you stand up grabbing your things, you leave, and this time never coming back. Who would miss you anyways? Nobody that's who, because who cares about you anyways? Right?

I'm sick of running,

Sick of running,

Human Race - America x Depressed!Suicidal!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now