Episode 9 - The Dark Dimension

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*After Allison sacrificed herself for the group, and The Devourer is trying to get in the room*

Amberly says "what's that at the door", Noah says "no one move or open the door"

Cassandra says "get somewhere and hide", Canaan hides in a cabinet, while Amberly hides in a curtain, and Noah and Cassandra hide behind the other curtains

The Devourer kicks the door in and he starts looking for the group but he walks away when he can't find any of them

Jetpack Girl says "that was a close one, you guys hid very well"

Noah says "well we aren't trying to die", Cassandra says "well most of us have"

Noah says "I'll be the distraction for The Devourer, you guys figure out what we need to do"

Jetpack Girl says "you have to do a seance, to cleanse the house, to make the Devourer weak"

Noah says "got it, you guys can do it", Noah runs out the door and he starts getting chased by The Devourer and he runs outside realizing The Devourer cannot go outside

Noah thinks to himself, If I can get him to go outside he will probably die and then he spots a little statue at the pool and he grabs it

Noah runs back into the Quiet Lounge, Noah says "someone needs to come with me to distract the devourer"

Cassandra says "I'll go, Canaan and Amberly do this seance to cleanse the house, then I guess we head into The Dark Dimension"

Noah says "I found this statue are we gonna need it for anything"

Jetpack Girl says "I have the other statue, The Devourer is scared of the twin statues use these at the door of the Dark Dimension and we should be ok"

Noah nods and him and Cassandra start running and distracting The Devourer

*Canaan & Amberly*

Canaan reads the note "you have to give hell a call, promise them something big and you have completed the seance"

Amberly says out loud "we will promise you one of our friends souls as a final sacrifice, is that enough"

The lights flicker twice indicating the Seance was completed

Canaan says "we did it" Amberly and Canaan high five

Jetpack Girl, Amberly, and Canaan all walk out of the door and the run into Cassandra

Amberly says "where is Noah", Cassandra says "the Devourer caught him, but I have the two statues so lets go to the Dark Dimension"

*They enter The Dark Dimension*

Noah is standing there waiting on the group and he says "where have you guys been"

Jetpack Girl says "this is far as I can go The Guardian doesn't like me, I will block The Devourer from coming in"

Noah says "but what's the catch"

Jetpack Girl says "two must be selected by vote to find the last Gem, but they also have to pick a partner"

Jetpack Girl says "I will call you up one by one to vote for who you think should be voted in the challenge"

Noah says "there is only 4 of us, lets vote for ourselves again to be fair"

Cassandra says "that's the only way"

Jetpack Girl says "Amberly, please come up and vote" Amberly walks up and picks her own card "The Saloon Girl (Amberly)"

Jetpack Girl says "Canaan" Canaan walks up to the cards and he picks "The Railroad Tycoon (Canaan)"

Jetpack Girl says "Cassandra" Cassandra walks up to the cards and she glances at every card and picks her own "The Vaudevillian (Cassandra)"

Jetpack Girl says "Lastly Noah come up and pick" Noah walks up and he looks at his own card, he picks "The Novelist (Noah)"

Jetpack Girl says "I will now shuffle the cards and draw the first two top cards"

Jetpack Girl says "going into the challenge is..........Amberly"

Amberly sighs and she says "I loved having you guys as partners" The Group hugs her

Jetpack Girl says "Going into the Challenge with her is.............Noah"

Noah says "It was a good run guys, whatever happens is what fate was written to be"

Jetpack Girl says "now you two have to pick a partner to assist you during this challenge"

Noah says "I'll pick Cassandra", Amberly says "ok then I get Canaan"

Jetpack Girl walks away and she says "Good luck you guys"

A tiny alarm sounds, Amberly and Noah begin looking for the gem

Noah is turning over boxes and ripping open boxes 

Amberly says "Canaan help just a little and see if you can't help me find it"

Noah finds a gem but its the wrong one and he throws it across the room

Cassandra says "try looking in the drawers"

Noah rips the drawers out and dumps the items from the drawer in the floor

he rummages through the items and once again finds nothing in them

Amberly and Canaan are now breaking open boxes and they are finding nothing

Noah checks this last drawer and he throws the stuff out of it and he looks underneath the drawer and he finds the last gem

Noah yells "I FOUND IT" and with that Noah wins the challenge

(The Story - Davis Naish)

The Guardian throws Amberly on the ground and he raises his knife and stabs her repeatedly in the gut and she is screaming 

Amberly is now dead and the final three go back into the Quiet Lounge

*The Quiet Lounge*

Noah says "we got the last gem" they put the gem in the last slot 

A picture Frame on the wall raises to reveal a crown with a bunch of holes in it

Noah says "do the gems go in here" 

Cassandra says "that has to be where they go"

The Sorceress laughs loudly and it echoes through the house as they pick up the crown

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