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the charaters are original and they are described at the very last chapter so go to that first before you read! one of the writers (there's only 2 writers) has minor dyslexia so things may have been misspelled but the other writer proof checks it first before the chapter is done so it's unlikely there is gonna be a spelling error.
there're will be trigger warnings before every chapter.

a city once peaceful now turned to ashes because of one person...

april 26th XXXX
heavy breathing could be heard from kai's room, he was hyperventilating. kai was on the verge of a metal break down, no one was home except for kai, that's what he thought at least.

then sarah walked in, and closed the door behind her.
"kai are you okay?"
she said Walking closer to kai
"..." that's all that could be heard from kai, sarah sat on the corner of his bed looking at kai with a worried face
"tell me what's wrong I promise I won't say anything" sarah said
"i-i don't know how to explain..." kai was tearing up
"i r-really don't know how to- I would explain if I knew how t-to" sarah then realized something, something she shouldn't have.
"maybe your as sane as I am"
that made kai confused
"what do you mean...?"
"i know you've been in therapy lately. have they given you these pills that are supposed to "help"?" sarah said with a smile
"well yeah there supposed to help me with my mental heal-"
she grabbed kai shoulders which caught him off guard
"YOU DON'T NEED THEM, YOUR AS SANE AS ME"she said laughing after "THEY ARE JUST TRYING TO MAKE US ALL THE SAME USE, US LIKE DOLLS TO JUST PLAY WITH... that's why they give us these drugs that they call pills. they want us to march in a perfect line with no flaws and God forbid anyone is different in this hell hole we call earth" she said basically yelling in a crazed voice
"that's why they call us crazy" she whispers still in a crazed voice.
kai was speechless
"is-" he got cut off again.
"but if you don't believe me" sarah said taking her hands off his shoulders and getting off the bed
"i guess you're just like all the rest" she sighed walking out of the room opening the door and then closing it behind her.
this left kai questioning what sarah said. something told him that sarah was right, but another said that she's just crazy. he believed sarah which later he would regret, because his home could turn into chaos and war. a small, peaceful and loving city between friends, once ruined, then turned into tiny bits of ashes, fire and black dark clouds in the sky. some may even call it doomsday.

but that didn't matter because kai didn't know that could even happen. after a few minutes of questioning sarah's words and himself, he decided to watch jack manifold to get his mind off of what happened between him and sarah.

after awhile he got up and went to make himself cafe con leche, then the thought got into his head again he tried to brush it off again, but he just couldn't. while his coffee was brewing he decided to text the person who understands Sarah the most, tasha.
"hey tasha"
She texted 5 minutes later
"where are u rn?"
"wjerr i usally am"
kai could barely read how she text, i mean she is drunk 99% of the time.
"okay is it ok if I come over there I need to talk to u in person"
"k omw in a few minutes"
"k take our taje e"
kai read tasha's message in confusion and put his phone away.

kai got the cafe con leche when it was done. ender was sitting down at the kitchen island, kai sat down next to him and just stares out to nothing, wondering *what was sarah saying?*. kai snaps out of it when ender taps him on the shoulder.

"are you good?" ender asks in a concerned voice.
"yea yea i'm good" kai says.

"i heard the conversation that you had with sarah, i already know you're mental health is messed up but i just want you to let you know that trusting sarah won't help it." ender says, kai being skeptical of his words. after awhile he got up and grabbed the keys to his car.
"bye kai! love you" ender said
"bye ender" kai said back walking to the door, opening it then closing it behind him and walking to his car, opening his car door and sitting inside of it then closing the door to the car.
He started the car then drove to the bar that tasha she is always at.

once he got there he walked inside and the first thing he hears is tasha gossiping to i'm assuming the bartender. the bartender had long brown hair thats tighten up to a ponytail her skin tone was a tan and she had brown eyes, she was wearing her uniform that was black and white.

"ugh I can't believe my husband would really cheat on me like that, like I told him I had a degree in everything *pulls out shovel* like this is an orange spoon not a sho-vel or whatever cleetus baby said it was" the bartender had a western accent and it sounded like she was in tears .
"bethany it's okay I'm sure he wasn't *hic* sorry- good for you" tasha said seeming like she had 56 shots of tequila.

"yea your right I met this daddy lookin hunk who plays basketball and is loaded he is so hot I just wanna fuc-" kai found tasha and interrupted bethany.
"oh hey *hic* kai" tasha said putting down her cup that Bethany picked up and poured more tequila then gave it back to tasha.

"hey tasha" kai said while tasha picked up her tequila and took a shot of it
"¿qué necesitas amigo?" tasha said breathing in and exhaling in a exaggerated way.
"well sarah talked to me today around the morning time and told me about these things about not to take the pills doctors give us because there just drugs that make us "normal" and that I'm as sane as her that's why we are called crazy, do you know what she means by that because I really don't and it's been lingering over my head all day and I can't ignore it" kai said on the verge of breaking.

"don't trust her okay, wanna know why? because once you think of something, it happens, and when that happens, it happens, and it could be something you will highly regret later." tasha said sounding unbelievable sober. kai was suspicious of tasha.
" i believe you, and i know sarah isn't the best person to trust but i think she's right on what she said" kai said in a kinda confident voice then standing up from the stool that was made out of metal and had a blood red cushion that use to be white, then standing up and walking up and slamming the door to the bar which caught the drunken people's attention.
"this isn't good..." the bartender said in a worried tone

"i swear to fuckin- i'm gonna be back" tasha said walking up and going through the door and slamming it closed too. she got to the car and headed to sarah's house parked her car. she grabbed the keys to sarah's front door and opened it closing it behind her. she locked the door and walked around the house looking for sarah.

"SARAH YOU SON OF A-AA F-FU-FUCK WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU WE NEED TO TALK" tasha said pretty pissed. sarah giggled. she was sitting down on the railing of the stairs.
"what did you say to kai" said tasha.
"hi to you too" sarah said ignoring her question.
"did i fucking stutter. answer the question"
"i didn't say anything" sarah said with a oblivious fake frown and wine after she said that
"all i did was persuade him into his own mind scape of what he truly desires." she said with a devilish smile.
tasha pinched her nose and looked down in annoyance.
"and is that a good thing to you." tasha said back more frustrated manner.
"only if i want it to be." sarah said now purposely trying to annoy tasha.

1424 words

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