Part 4: Mother Dearest Has Ties To CA

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If at first you don't succeed, destroy the evidence....

Five part Prologue

Part IV: Mother Dearest Has Ties To CA


"Seb?" The voice sounded again impatiently. Seb just to ignore her and kept his eyes locked on mine.

"I'm sorry, continue?" He asked, ignoring the beautiful girl behind his back. Well thats pretty weird. I nervously sat back in the couch, folding one stocking clad leg over the other.

"Uh," I stammered, flickering my eyes from him to the brunette girl behind him. "Aren't you going to answer her?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"Look, Liz-"

"Elizabeth." I interrupted.

"Liz," he continued nonchalantly. "There are certain people I no longer associate myself with." He finished, grabbing his beer and chugging the rest down. The girl whimpered like a lost puppy and wrapped a strand of silky hair around her finger. She looked down and fumbled at her Aztec designed fingernail. She kept her head lowered but directed her hazel eyes toward us. Honestly, she looked almost angelic, what could she have possibly done to fill his eyes with so much hatred?

"What could she have done? It must have been pretty bad for you to not even look at her." I whispered accidentally voicing my thoughts out loud.

"Stay out of this." She uttered maliciously. I could almost see horns poking out of her scalp. I threw my hands up and sat back, showing defeat. Seb scoffed and looked at me. So much for that question.

"Maybe that girl just, I dunno slept with her boyfriends brother? No big deal." He sarcastically stated.

Oh shit. I gasped and looked over to the girl.

"We were drunk and-" she started, looking towards me.

"Shut the fuck up Selena, he was drunk. Not you. Can we go, Liz?" He interrupted her and looked at me.

"Uh, sure?"

"He lied to you Sebastian! He came onto me!" She screamed squeezing onto the couch between me and Seb. Her leather jacket annoyingly tugged at my skin until he stood up.

"Yeah, sure. Your last excuse was that your dog died and you needed 'comforting'. You didn't even have a dog!" He yelled in her face, his lips twisting into a sneer. Maybe it was just the alcohol, but no one seemed to notice. They all congregated to the kitchen, probably to play some weird game.

 They all congregated to the kitchen, probably to play some weird game

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"Uh, I'll just go now." I slightly whispered, more to myself now that I think about it. There was no response, so I stood up, stuffed the strip of paper with Seb's number on it into my jacket pocket, and stalked off. I could hear the shrieking of little miss Satan and Sebastian the crab, even over someone's horrible singing. I turned the corner to see why everyone decided to walk into the kitchen, and Ezra stood atop of a huge wooden table singing Call Me Maybe at the top of his lungs. After pushing myself through his 'fans', I pulled Ezra by his collar.

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