i wanna be like you -Elijah Mikaelson 🍭

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Two years and a month ago

"Elijah I've been with you for a month now and your telling me your a vampire" The girls tone was filled with shock as she stares at her boyfriend.

"Yeah I know it might sound crazy-" he starts but the girl is quick to cut him off

"Do you think you can turn me" she eagerly asks

"Oh I don't know about that" he replies hesitate

"Oh come on don't pull a Edward Cullen on me" she groans

"I just don't think it's the right time yet baby, maybe we can wait just a little bit, time for both if us to really think about this." He says softly his hand stroking her shoulder hoping it will get her to agree

".. Fine" she replies leaning into her magnificent hands.

1 year and 6 months ago

"Have you thought about it E" Y/n asks as Elijah sits down on the couch

"About what, doll" he asks her softly his soft eyes starting into hers.

"Turning me into a vampire, duh" she says plainly.

"Oh.. Doll, you know I can't. Not yet at least" he kisses her shoulder

"It's fine just.. Think about it" she gives in

"I am Doll face, I am" he whispers softly kissing up her neck

1 year and 2 months ago

"Hey, Elijahhhh" she smiles at the man.

"Hello Doll, I'm taking it your wanting something?" Elijah asks a smile forming on his face

"Yeah, kinda.. So uhm have you thought about the uhm.. The thing?" She questions and it takes him a minute before he realizes what she's talking about.

"No Doll I'm sorry" he admits

"Have you even thought about it?" The girl argues getting frustrated

"Yes Doll, I think about it everyday." Elijah says with a very soft voice.

"Well if you don't hurry it up I'm gonna have to ask Niklaus to turn me himself." She says annoyed.

"No. your not." He says already knowing the girl so well. She tries to protest but can't think of anything to say

"Fuck" she mutters walking out of the room. He smirks softly but can't help feeling a little bad.

8 months ago

"Hey doll whatcha doing?" Elijah asks sliding into the seat next to the girl on the couch.

"Nothing much, just wondering when you'll decide" she says nonchalantly.

"Baby I swear when it's the right ime I'll tell you" he says softly grabbing my hands in his.

"It's never the right time" she whines softly looking into his eyes.

"I swear baby ons day it will be. Right now it's just now our moment" he whispers in a understandable tone

"Will it ever be the time" she sniffles the stress getting to her

"Yes baby, I promise" he whispers again leaning in to her their lips just barely touching fore he softly kisses her.

"Can we order some food now?" She asks her eyes glossy.

"Of course baby" he smiles softly against her lips pecking her neck.

Two months ago

Elijah walks into the apartment calling out for his girlfriend. He is very confused when he gets nothing back. "Doll face, you home?" He questions

"Where else would I be?" She asks stepping out of their bedroom in only Elijah's button up and underwear. "Welcome home Baby" she smiles

"And what is it you're doing?" Elijah smiles stepping closer to the Y/n putting his hands on her waste

"Just.. Trying something" She whispers

"Yeah and is that to trick me to turning you? Yeah I heard Caroline talking about how your gonna try again" Elijah smirks already knowing

"Fuck!" She curses.

"Yeah you can't get past me that fast Doll. I'm just not ready to turn you yet so.. Now that we got that put of the way" He smirks wildly pulling the fabric off her shoulder

"Mm.. No" she states walking away. When Elijah walks into their room he sees her laying on her stomach her ass stuck out in the air. He sighs laying next to her.

Present time

Y/n walks into her and Elijah's shared apartment. It is their anniversary and she had to work. It sucks. Especially because all day at the grill was terrible. She walks in dropping her bag before she notices red flower petals on the floor.

The girl smiles kicking offer her shoes. The house is dim, lit by candles only. She walks slowly but eagerly wanting to savor everything. She slowly opens the bedroom door. She looks around seeing a bunch of pedals on the bed.

Elijah walks out of the bathroom looking around. He smiles seeing Y/n standing there. He walks over to her grabbing her waste and pulling her closer to him

"I'm gonna do something tonight that I thought I wouldn't do" Elijah says softly his hand going up to her cheek stroking it softly.

"So that means no sex" Y/n whines not catching onto what he was saying. He chuckles softly.

"After we can have all the sex you desire Doll Face" he smirks.. "I'm gonna turn you into a vampire" He whispers in her ear softly

"Really" she asks excitement dripping in her voice.

"Yes really" he chuckles at her excitement.

The moment is definitely intimate but it happens in a flash, at least that's what if feels like. First Elijah is giving her his blood then next then she knows she's getting her neck snapped.

Snapping her neck is the hardest part for Elijah, even though he knows she will come back to life. He sits there holding the girls body waiting for her eyes to open. He already has a blood bag ready, ready for her to complete everything.

Her eyes most awake. All of her emotions are heighted and she is much more terrified and shocked. Her anxiety through the roof. He hands her the bag and watches as she sucks up all the blood he watches as she tries to get every drop in the bag.

"How do you feel Doll?" He whispers holding her closer to him.

"I- I don't know.. Everything seems much... Clearer" she whispers looking around. He chuckles softly "remember you promised me sex?" She smirks

"God your gonna be a handful with your emotions heightened" he jokes before picking the girl up

"Oh shut up" she laughs

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