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"Just one more minute!"I shouted to my mom.

I mean, it was great to be home and spend time with my family away from all the craziness for a while, but my mom just doesn't give me a break.

I kept scrolling through YouTube song covers.

Even though I'm already a discovered artist, I still love to listen to song covers like I use too.

I closed my laptop and placed it on my bed.

I jogged downstairs for dinner.

"Wait, dinners not ready yet?," I whined.

"Sorry, set the table," My mom snapped.

after dinner

I opened my laptop and YouTube popped back up in the place I was before.

One cover caught my eye as i scrolled down.

It read,


I clicked on it and this girl with long blonde hair and greenish bluish eyes popped up on my laptop screen. Man, She was pretty.

3 minutes later


She was a pretty good singer.

For some reason I checked her social media account and followed her on Twitter.

I closed my laptop and plugged in my phone to its charger, almost broken charger.

Don't you hate when the end of your charger starts breaking and the wires come out? Oh my god I hate that.

I got changed into sweatpants and laid in bed.


That was her name, I like that name.

My eyes got heavy and sleep took over my mind and body.

first chapterrrr, what do you think???

Chapters are going to be short most likely.

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