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We all went to sleep and managed to pass the other day ,  it was 8:30 pm when we all were ready to leave just than I received a message from the person from the school authority he messaged that " you will find a new helper who knows a lot about Henus city and the man in the black suit as you will be going there you would be knowing who it is and keep the golden card always with you I will be intouch with you all ".

We set in our cars and went to the government tower , the city was quiet empty as the people here sleep early only the security robots roam in the city to make sure everything is okay. In few mins we reached the tower , we took out the black envelope and the golden card to show the security robots and they let us in .

The tower was so beautiful and futuristic , we went to the grand hall there were many people wearing the black suits and there was a big screen it was written " School of our secrets " we all got astonished because the school was ours .

All were now waiting for the person in the black suit and discussion to begin, soon in some minutes the grand door opened and the person in the black suit came and to our shock with him we saw our old friend in the school Jal.  He was with that man , we all were so confused and shocked .

Soon the discussion started and they all were now going to make some new rules in our school and some more forbidden rooms . The discussion was so mysterious and strange just than the man in black suit told Jal to give more information we heard him he too was somewhat more mysterious than everyone else .

At around 12:00 am the discussion got over and we all were ready to go back to our house just than as we were leaving a robot came to me and handed out a black envelope in which it was written JAL . We were confused  and tired so we went to home but when we reached home we saw that Fury was not there. I got super worried for him . Me and all my friends checked each and every corner of the house but he wasn't there , I was crying but sis told me not to worry .

We sat on the couch and were thinking about fury . Vanshika gave me a glass of water and sis served us some snacks as we were talking sis told let's open the envelope I agreed and opened it but what we read in it was a lot happier thing for me.....

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