I missed you

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Heeseung was upset. Every Sunday He and his husband will spend time together but he had to go to work.

And thats why he was upset, he missed Sunghoon so much

He pouted as he looked at his phone

9:21 dang. Time gets slower when you want it to be fast.

The bell rang as he groaned.

He went to open it, just to see his one and only twin brother Jake.

"Hey gworl, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, why are you even here?"

"I just wanted to visit you cuz Jay had some shitty urgent meeting blablabla."


"Ohhh, thats why you are down?"

"Yup, i miss him so much."

"Then go to him duhhhh"

"Thats actually a great idea."
He said as his face lit up.

"Right. Here i bought you some clothes."

"Thanks jake."

"ill get going now byeeeee!"


Heeseung giggled as he went to the kitchen to make some food for Sunghoon, after that he got ready.

Heeseung is now standing infront of the tall building as he walked to the entrance

He entered the building as everyone bowed to him except to the others. Probably some new employees

He bowed back, he started walking towards the reception, he saw a girl wearing a revealing outfit but he didn't judge her though.

"Excuse me? May i know where Park Sunghoon's office is?"

"And what are you going to do there?"

"I'm giving him his lunch."

"And who are you to do that?"

Heeseung frowned why the fuck is she asking him this questions?

"Uhm, i'm his wife."

The girl scoffed before opening her mouth to speak.

"My hoonie doesn't have a wife. Infact i'm his soon-to-be-girlfriend."

She said while rolling her eyes.

"Excuse me who even are you?"

"I'm Shin Jin-seo soon to be Park Jin-seo."
She said with a proud look on her face.

"Wait what you said you are Sunghoon's soon-to-be-girlfriend and you are saying that "i'M sHiN JiN-sEo sOoN tO bE PaRk JiN-seO." Are you dumb or are you dum-"

He started laughing as Jin-seo walked until she was infront of Heeseung

She slapped him and pulled his hair. She grabbed Heeseung's jaw-line

The others were shocked but they cant do anything they know that this girl is dangerous when she is angry.

"Tell me that you are just a horny hoe who wants to get in Sunghoon's pants!" The girl screamed.

"What the fuck?!" Heeseung yelled as he took the girls hands of him.

"Bye- dont tell me that you are obsessed- WAHAHAH You have so much confidence to yell that- WAHAHAHAH You're face is so thick it got even thicker cause of that make up-" he started laughing again.


Sunghoon was typing random shit on his computer when he heard a knock.

"Come in."

He looked at the door to see his assistant Sunoo basically his bestfriend

"Uhm sir?"

"Stop with the act bro."

"Shut up i was trying to be professional."

"Whatever. What is it?"

"So uhm. Heeseung hyung is here and he got attacked by some employee she pulled his hair and slapped hi-"

"Where is he?!"

"In the lobby."


Heeseung and Jin-seo are now in the floor pulling each others hair

Jungwon and some random girl kept pulling them apart but they eventually failed



"BABY!" He looked at the place where the voice came from.

It was his hoonie.

Jin-seo ran to Sunghoon while fixing her hair.

"Sir! This boy suddenly barged in and said that he is your wife-"

"Its because he is my wife!"

"Heeseungie? Are you ok?"


"Lets go to my office hmm?"


Sunghoon glared at the girl before picking Heeseung up as the others looked at them in awe.

"ill talk to you later." He glared at the girl

Sunghoon placed Heeseung on his lap.

"Does it hurt?" He said as he touched Heeseung's cheeks

Heeseung hummed as he remembered something

"Wait." He said as he grabbed the lunch box beside his sling bag

"Here, Say 'ahhhhhhh"

Sunghoon let Heeseung feed him.

"Is it yummy?"
"I made that for you."

"Awww thank you baby its so yummy!"

Heeseung giggled and pecked Sunghoon's lips

"Is that my desert?"

"Can i get another one?"

He pecked him again

"Another one please?"

"No thats en- mmhp"

Sunghoon kissed Heeseung deeply licking Heeseung's lips before pulling out

"You are my favorite dessert now."

"S-shut up."
Heeseung said while he was a blushing mess

"Make me."



"Yes baby?"

"Can you go home with me? I miss your cuddles."

"Hmm ill think about it."

Heeseung asked in a tiny voice with his bambi eyes and pouty lips.

'NO NO NO NO NO NO' Sunghoon thought.

"Pretty please?"

Sunghoon said while hugging Heeseung tightly

"So is that a yes?"



I'm lazy😘 so anyways bye yall.


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