Chapter 38 : Kisame Defeat

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It only took a moment for the walls to be fortified once Naruto held the Sage of the Six Paths' chakra in his hands.

"Okay, guys, are you ready?" Naruto said out loud, eyes narrowed at the wall as it crumbled underneath the pressure of the water and Kisame's repeated attacks. As he said it, the shark-nin struck again, and the north section of the levy burst like a balloon, water spraying inwards at an alarming rate.

"Do it, brat," his resident tailed beast called from within his mind, and he nodded.

When he reached inside of himself this time, he found nine strands of foreign chakra dancing about within his body. He reached forward with a single hand and gathered them together like a bushel of straw, pulling them all to the surface with one mighty tug.

Instantly, he felt his senses expand outward in all directions. The world sharpened around him, as if he had taken off the blinders of everyday life, and everything became more understandable... more focused.

He watched as the south side of the wall began to crumble to dust as well, and knew he had to act - and quickly.

Using his lone hand, Naruto gathered every chakra type he could get his metaphorical hands on into a tight orb, the power manifesting itself in small ball of multiple colors as it swirled through the air, condensing into a perfectly round, impossibly black sphere.

He did this four more times, each time the mental energy required to complete the Truth-Seeking ball growing more and more taxing as his concentration began to waver.

He still had too much chakra. But at least now he could manage it better.

Three clones appeared behind him at mental summons, and each clone took a sphere and headed for the edges of the village. Naruto himself moved forward towards the north - he could sense that was where Kisame was returning to, if the streak of chakra was anything to go by. He leapt from building to building, hovering slightly from time to time to adjust his course, before landing gently beside a large willow tree, the ocean's rapidly rising water lapping at the roots like a cancer.

Naruto looked up at the wall - it stretched at least fifteen stories tall, if he had any sense of scale whatsoever - and frowned at the pockmarks that lined the exterior.

With a snap of his fingers, the Truth-Seeking ball that had taken up residence just over his shoulder shot forward, expanding outwards into a small disk, growing thinner and thinner and wider and wider every centimeter it travelled. When it connected with the levy, it began to stretch across the surface, layering the barrier in a solid-black coating, the holes disappearing one by one.

He could see his clones mirroring his actions across the village from him, black painting the interior of the village wall, the water finally stopping its relentless barrage.

Kisame was suddenly there again, his chakra-infused blade lashing out at the now nearly impenetrable barrier. Naruto flinched at first, worried that it wouldn't hold - it couldn't have been more than a millimeter thick at its heaviest - but the material refused to budge, much to his relief.

Kisame snarled as Samehada bounced off of the Truth-Seeking ball harmlessly, and he attempted to correct himself midair before landing awkwardly across a battered road (that looked more like a river now) from Naruto. They both turned to stare at one another, the sky still black and imposing above them, the quiet hiss of water lapping at the buildings below them barely audible over the dying roar of the winds.

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