Chapter 4

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Andy looks at Ashley "what are we doing are we going to party or not?" "Yeah" "Ok then." so they all went back to their table and ordered some drinks they were partying all night Time skipY/N POVAndy just walked inside the house he didn't even look at you he just walked up stairs and took a shower and went to bed. I walked up the stairs 20 mins later to find Andy out cold so then I quietly changed into  my pajamas and carefully laid next to him. The next day you woke to see Andy still asleep so you went to the bathroom to take a shower when you got and got dressed you went downstairs to make breakfast Andy is still asleep he must have a bad hangover you thought to yourself you walked into the kitchen and grabbed the pancake batter and a pan turned on the stove and poured the batter into the pan (I'm sorry if i'm making you hungry right now lol) then you heard footsteps coming down the stairs H\he looks like he just got out of the shower "Good morning Andy."  "Good morning Y/N." he replies tiredly "you hungry?" you ask him "Kinda" he says "ok well I made pancakes do u want one?" "Yeah sure" "Ok let me get you one do you want any syrup?" "No i'll just have it plain." so then I went off and got his pancake and I came back and gave it to him he ate his pancake and I ate mine when we were done I washed my plate and sat next to him on the couch and we just watched tv for a while.

Andy Biresack X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now