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Sweat falling like waterfalls, eyes aiming to be opened, heart yearning for something, someone. That touch... The warmth. The colorful feeling. That-

I gasped as my eye opened. Where... Where am I?

My sight was blurry, but I could see a white ceiling, the first thing I ever saw right after I opened my eyes. It feels like I was a newborn.. Like I've been gone for decades. Am I dead? I don't know. I don't know where I am.

Xiao... Where's my Xiao?

I sat up as I realized Xiao could be in danger. My heart was still beating too fast... Like I've been in a nightmare.

That's when I recognized that everything around me was... New. Everything was white, yet it looked calm, it makes me feel safe. There was a weird... Weird thing beside the bed I was sitting on. It was beeping, making weird noises I didn't like.

I shrugged that thought off my mind. I needed to get to my beloved as soon as possible. He could be in danger... Ei might do something to him.

Suddenly, a door that I didn't even know was there opens, revealing a girl. Her height... Just like my daughter's. But I don't know her. She wasn't my daughter.

She was young and petite.

She stared at me in shock, as if I was a monster. Am I a monster?

She was shaking.

Everything about her was bizarre. Her clothing... What is she wearing? A dress? That's not what a dress looks like... Not bright and colorful with a bog ribbon.


"Yes, sweetheart?" someone answered. He came into the room, looking confused.

He also stared at me in shock.

His face... He was beautiful, his eyes signified the blue gentle waves in the ocean, his hair tied up into two braids. It was hard to tell if he was a boy... Or a girl.

"Venti!" the man came running towards me before hugging me tightly.

W-who is he?

"Please don't touch me..."

"H-huh?" the man asked in confusion and fear, "I-I mean, I don't even know you..?"

"I... I don't understand. How- Venti I am your brother... How do you not know me?"

Carmen is my brother... And he looks exactly like Carmen. "Carmen?" I asked in a light voice, I don't trust him. I shouldn't trust anyone anymore. "Who's Carmen?"

"M-my brother..."

"I'm Himmel, Venti, I'm Himmel"

"You are not my brother! My brother is Carmen, who are you?! Don't touch me!" I tried to get his hands off of me, I can't let anyone touch me like this. At least not right now. Traitors lie around. "Venti, please! Trust me! You've been in a coma for five years! I've always waited for you! How... How can you not remember me?" he pressed a button which made more people come to us.

I don't want to be found by anyone. I want everyone to leave. They will hurt me... They will hurt me and Xiao. "Please help... M-my brother, how can he-"

"We'll do some tests. Please remain calm." they forced him and the little girl out of the room.

I couldn't trust them.

I can't trust anyone after... After getting betrayed by someone who I thought had a kind heart. I need to find my Xiao. I need to get out of this absurd place.

"Please stay still."

"No! Let me go! Let me out of here! I need to find Xiao..." I didn't know what they were doing and why they were wearing weird white clothes. I was also wearing one... Like a dress. But a white dress. It was comfortable... And soft. Everything was soft... I felt so sleepy... I feel like...

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