Chapter 23

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I was nervous the whole time we were on our way to our house. My heart is hammering inside my chest until Chase parked his car in front of our house. It's almost dawn and by this time I know Mama's already done from selling on the market. I don't understand why I'm feeling this sudden tension because of what I am about to do. I'm just going to introduce them with each other but I feel so restless.

The two of them might not know each other. The last time Chase saw his son was when he was still a baby. He didn't have the time to see his son grow up. Even Reil. He grew up knowing that Meynard is the name of his father. I know I still don't have any concreate evidence concluding that Chase is his father but the fact they look exactly the same, Colleen's confession about losing their son, and that Meynard was the name of Colleen's lover are enough proof for me to conclude that Reil is the son she is looking for.

As to the reason why Aiden was the name he knows his son with. . . I don't understand.

"Know what? I'm starting to get nervous," chase said when he turned his car's engine off. He anchored his eyes on me. "Am I going to meet someone special to you? A boyfriend? Perhaps, a fucking husband?"

I pouted. "Do I look like someone who's already married, Chase?"

He smirked. "You are making me think of a lot of things, Allison."

"Then let's go down now so you will stop from thinking non-sense things."

He groaned as if he's trying to be patient with me. I laughed even if I myself can't help but be nervous of what's going to happen. We both unfastened our seatbelts. I noticed how he looked at me, eyes drilling into mine with a serious expression on his face. I only smiled at him. He shook his head and breathed a sigh.

Upon stepping down he immediately holds my hand. I glanced at him but he's just looking straight ahead. I noticed Aunt Fely going out of their gate. She shoot her brow up upon seeing Chase. Her eyes dropped on our intertwined hands. For a brief moment, I saw dislike in them.

I sighed. This is the first time she saw me with a man. My mom doesn't mention about Chase to anyone either. I don't know why I feel a bit embarrassed. Probably because she never fails to tell me how Rich likes and adores me.

I smiled timidly at her. She just nodded her head but did not return a smile, which felt strange. Whenever she sees me, she always smiles.

I dismissed the thought. I opened our gate. Chase and I entered. From where we are I can already hear the sound of the television. It means Reil is watching while my mom is probably on the kitchen preparing dinner.

Accidentally my grip on Chase's hand became tighter. It made him stop from walking as he glanced at me. From my peripheral vision, I saw him stare at me. He made me stop from taking steps.

"What's wrong?" he questioned.

I gulped. I faced him, smiled and abruptly shook my head. "Nothing. Come on. Let's go inside and eat dinner with us."

I pulled him towards the door. I felt Chase followed me. Reil suddenly stood up and run towards me. From smiling gigantically while looking at me, Reil suddenly transferred his eyes behind me. He then walked slowly, still looking at the person behind me. I felt Chase's hold on me tighten. I took that chance to glance at him.

He's looking intently at Reil, while lips slightly apart. I can feel him holding his breath while looking at the little boy in front of us. His Adam's apple even moved up and down. He's not blinking either.

Right at this moment, he's surely wondering why Azriel looks so much like him when he's still young.

"Aunt Tanya?" Reil called that snapped my attention on Chase.

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