1 - Beautiful

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Stares, so many stares. 

It made Owen nervous but then again he should expect it since he was quite large for his age.

Taking a towel out of his briefcase he gently patted his forehead before walking up to the receptionist.

"Welcome to L&M Corps! Can I help you?" the receptionist greeted her smile as beautiful as her.

Her eyes gazed down at Owen who looked nervous and kind of cute with his chubby cheeks that were red from blushing so hard.

The receptionist noticed that the man was quite short and had gorgeous brown curls.

"I-Iʼm here for the job interview for Mr. Reed Personal assistant, Owen Houton,"  Owen cursed himself mentality at the fact that he was already stuttering.

The receptionist on the other hand eyes widens at the fact that Owen was here for that interview.

She could already tell that he might be too sweet and innocent for the job.

Being Mr. Reedʼs personal assistant was quite hard. Not because of the job but because of Mr. Reed's persona.

He had over 10 personal assistants who all either were fired or resigned.

"Okay then, Top floor it is," she stated before looking over back to the computer.

"Just take that elevator and press floor 20," Owen nodded, patting his towel against his forehead once again before advancing.

But before he could make it far he halted hearing a soft voice wishing him luck.

"Good luck, Mr. Houston!" she wished making his heart warm. She really did hope Owen got the job.

Jenny always had a soft spot for cute men.
And Owen was by far the cutest.

Owen smiled, if he does get the job, maybe this time his work area wouldn't be as toxic as the last one.


Shit. Owen thought staring at the door that awaited him.

He had been standing outside for the past 5 minutes debating if he should chicken out and disappoint his parents and his cat, Mr.Claws.

Loving, Owen. [MXM] Where stories live. Discover now