Him or her? (Fan x paintbrush) fluff

753 9 5

Request by @officially_azii

Humanized or object?: object

Setting: in the show, paintbrush before they came out (as a non-binary)

Word count: 1353

Extra notes:
The dorms that they are staying in is just a place for the people still in the game to sleep, they aren't canon but idk where they would sleep if they weren't eliminated 😰😰

POV: 3rd person

Fan had been observing their actions for the past few weeks, he had noticed that paintbrushes actions were off, they seem to be more on the edge than they are. They would go on an outburst seemingly like every hour, they didn't really come out of their room and they seemed extremely nervous and twitchy.

Fan walked towards the vending machine as he quickly typed the buttons on the machine to enter test tubes secret lab, which was acquired by test tube trusting him enough to tell him. The side of the vending machine opened as he quickly stepped inside. He fell down the slide roughly and landed on his head. "Ow! Test tube you really need to add a better way of coming in here," fan stated as he fixed his crinkled paper that was caused by the landing.

Test tube jumped out of fear and bonked her head on the cabinets as she didn't expect someone to enter, "eek! Oh it's just you, you scared me fan!" Test tube quickly exclaims as she rubbed the opening of her tube in mild pain. "Oh sorry test tube, I didn't mean to scare ya.. hehehe.." fan chuckles awkwardly.

There was a moment of silence between the two as they seemed to be waiting for the other to talk. "Do you need-" "Test tube have you seen-" they both talked over each other awkwardly, "oh you can talk I'm sorry," fan says. "No no you go ahead, I was just going to ask you if you needed anything." Test tube explained. They shared another batch of silence as they both seemed to be awkwardly staring at the other.

"Uh,, this is awkward hah..." he says, "but what I was going to ask is if you had noticed the change in paintbrushes action? I have been studying him? Her? I'm not sure but he/she has been on edge recently, he/she had been locking himself/herself in his/hers room and I was wondering if you had any idea of what has been happening." Fan rambled. Test tube awkwardly stared at the male as she rubbed the side of her tube awkwardly, "This seems less of science and uhh, more of a personal thing.. I'm only really good at science, people aren't really my uh, go to.. I'd recommend talking to him, or her, I'm not quite sure." Fan began to sweat as he feared this sort of thing, he had hoped it was a science related concept instead of a mental one. "I.. uh.. I'm not good with people either- I.." Test tube interrupted fan, "I know but if you are genuinely worried for him then I would suggest talking to her? him? Uhh.. yeah." Fan began to sweat, "why don't you help me? It's not forced or anything but-" "oh uh hahaha look what we have here a uhh" test tube seemingly and purposely dropped an empty glass container as she as she reacted with a delayed gasp. "Oh! I need to clean this up! Haha clumsy me!.. good luck tho haha!" Test tube nervously expressed.

Fan sighed as he knew that if he didn't do anything, no one else would. He exited the lab as he slowly made his way to paintbrushes room, clearly stalling time. 'Oh god, why am I doing this?..' fan thought.

Fan reached the brushes door as he hesitantly raised his hand, he glided his fist on door as he gained confidence to knock. 'Oh my god why did I do that what am I doing, oh fuck.. shut up fan keep it together, you got this! If not for him/her, then at least for the blog, should I even blog this? Wait.. depending on how personal it is.. what am I doing, why am I so worried for her/him? Am I going crazy? What if-' fans panicked thoughts were cut off by a familiar brush opening the door.

"Ehh.. what?- what do you want?" Painty exclaimed, seemingly agitated. "I uhh.. uhmmm" fan stuttered as to find the words to say. The brush began to close the door as they began to respond, "if you don't need anything then go awa-" paintbrush quickly got cut off as the felt the door had been stalled with the fans foot! "WAIT!- OW!" he yelped. Painty seemed to express some concern as he flinched and began to reach for the fan but quickly retracted. "What?- Uhh.. if you need something, say it, I do not have all day." Paintbrush said. "W-well! Uh! I was just wondering uh!.. if you were.. okay?.." fan quickly stuttered as he knew he would only have a bit of time before paintbrush would slam the door in his face. Painty was took aback as they didn't expect any worry coming from someone to their concern. "Uhm.. what?"

"Well you seemed really off and I have been observing your actio-" fan got cut off. "Uhh, what the fuck? Have you been watching me? That's really fucking creepy." Fan jumped as he felt there was a misunderstanding, "n-no! It's not like that! I observe everyone, I'm really interested in how people act and the changes in someone's character really interests but also concerns me, I had been noticing a change in how you act and how you've been more prone to outburst than usual, it's really concerning due to how your character usually acts and-" fan rambling got cut off once again by the irritated brush. "Ok ok! If I tell you, will you shut up, PLEASE. I know you won't go away so what else is there to do. You're giving me a headache." Paintbrush says as they rubbed their metal that keeps the bristles in place.

Fan apologizes as he walked in the others dorm. Paintbrush quickly sat down on the bed as they patted the spot next to them as a signal to sit down. The fan slowly walked to the bed as he sat next to the brush. "Look. I genuinely don't know why you seem to care about me, it's quite weird," they sigh. "Well I just got this gut feeling and-" painty cut off the fan for the third time. "I wasn't finished, don't interrupt me." Painty exclaims, clearly annoyed.

"Look, I've been having, identity issues.. I mean I've feel as if I'm neither a boy or a girl. It's quite.. troubling to say the least. I've been really caught up in how people refer to me, it makes me feel.. off or just uncomfortable. It's been happening more and more recently due to me becoming the leader and and it has really been.. iffy. So I just hid myself so people wouldn't notice me as much-" paintbrush quickly realized that they seemed to be saying too much as they quickly panicked, "Fuck! Pretend you didn't hear any of that, it's so dumb I shouldn't have even let you in, god.." Fan sat there clearly unsure of what to say, "hey hey, I might not be good at comforting, I mean I'm horrible.. but but, I might have an answer! Have you ever heard of something called non-binary?"

Paintbrushes expression seem to change, "Wait. Wait. What? What's that?" Fan continued, "well there are people that don't identify with being male nor female, they usually go by they/them pronouns. They don't lie in either gender. If you'd like I can show you the with!"

"Yeah, I would actually really like that. Do you mind showing it to me right now?" Paintbrush asked calmly as they seemingly felt reassured, a faint smile creeped on their face. "Oh yeah sure!" Fan said as he quickly pulled out his mephone. "Hah. Thank you.. I guess."


One request done 😈

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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