Whats on my mind #9~Fhffccgxxgxx.gchcghb

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HAHA, DAT TITLE DOE. So, Zach, the boy I was dating for 7 months dumped me two weeks ago. I was super devastated when it happened and I was depressed and thought that I'd never find happiness again. But then, we had our first track meet on April 15 and I finally met my three friends Isaac, Bryce, and Max. (I will explain that story on the next post) Isaac had just dumped his girlfriend, Sydney, and I was like, DAMN THIS BOY'S CUTE... I CALL DIBS!! Then last weekend I got this text from him talking about how he likes me (and then we got into a discussion about chicken) and this is when I knew I had to date him... that it was meant to be:

1. He plays soccer

2. He likes the fault in our stars

3. He calls me BABE

4. He sings songs about Jock Straps


6. He likes chicken

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