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Hello my name is Ruby, I doubt you have seen me, I doubt I am remembered. I only wish to tell the events of that day, the deal I had made and that I am still here. Ruby is not the name I was given when I was born, but I would prefer not to disclose such information.

I was a noble Lady brought up in an upper-class household of the medieval era, often attending the countless functions and banquets with other nobility. By the time I was 18 my childhood friend, Marcus, and I had been engaged, it was a semi-arranged marriage but I had fallen in love with him. He was the son of a knight, training to be one himself and teaching me how to use a sword, even though it was quite improper for a lady to know how to use a weapon my parents did not stop me. Marcus, once I had reached a skill level with the sword that he deemed to be acceptable, bought me a gorgeous black velvet cloak, the hood covering my face, it was warm, comfortable. Alongside the cloak, wrapped in its lining, was a beautiful sword, the scabbard engraved with my name.

The plague hit. It hit everyone hard and many people I had known died. I fell into the grasp of the Black Death, but I survived, if you can call it that. You see, I had made a deal, I sold my soul to protect those I cared about and to continue my life, in exchange for my soul I was granted the ability to wield the shadows, open doors and slip through them as though they were curtains, to transform them into usable, tangible things. The demon upheld his bargain, I gave him my soul. My parents wept with joy at my miraculous recovery, for I had been near death when I struck the deal.

The following spring Marcus and I were to be wed, we were overjoyed and were often seen together. Before then Marcus had one task to do, he was to accompany the knight training him to act as a bodyguard for some high ranking official, some high priest of the church or something. It was a long few months and we kept in contact with letters updating us about the events. Before he was set to return, I got a worrying message from my beloved.

My Dear Lady,

I am sorry to write this but I cannot return, I have been accused of murdering the person I was set to protect. I cannot prove my innocence, nor would they believe me. I love you dearly, I hope you can move on, but I do hope to see you again one day.

Hope you are well,


Tears spilled over, I wept for hours. My parents caught wind of it and believed he was guilty. They forbid me from seeing him ever again. During this time, I overheard gossip of where he was hiding, so I took my cloak, my sword and slipped into the shadows. Picking the hem of my dress up and running barefoot over the ground to reach him, as I brushed through people, they felt only a shiver, saw nothing but their own shadow. I met him once more in a small stick-built house in the village's slums. This meeting would not last long though, those seeking him had heard of the news and it was a surprise to us when we heard the clatter of armor and hooves. "Please, run, do not get caught up in this, I love you." A final embrace and a small pouch thrust into my hands before he pushed me out the back of the hut, I slipped into the shadows, remaining silent and watching as the knights snapped through the doors and forced him into shackles, he took one glance in my direction before being hauled along.

His execution date was set, I remained in the manor house before my parents brought me to watch, their mistake honestly. I could not turn away, he just stared at me from the platform with apologetic eyes as the verdict and crime were read, the executioner in the corner sharpening the axe noticed and gave me a nod. I did not realize why till the axe was brought down, it was as though I had been swallowed whole and consumed by a monster. When I reemerged, the crowd was in ruins, children stood crying over their parent's bodies, I had failed to protect Marcus, so the demon took more, he stood, the axe in hand, staring at me. "You could not protect him, he was the price another had paid for a deal. I return your soul to you as I must, but only in part, you may keep your powers, shadow witch, but in turn I will take your emotions." Something clattered at my feet, my sword, had I been holding earlier? No, I believe had not, I had not taken it with me. I felt around for what else I had on me, the small pouch from Marcus tied to the belt around my waist I had not opened, my dress was stained and tattered, the golden threads showing red in some places, but I felt nothing, even as I opened the pouch and took out the ruby necklace, it glimmered, almost seemed to move. "Protect it, it is all you have, it is your soul" The demon disappeared as I fastened it around my neck, letting my black hair fall from the pins as I took them out and put my hood over my eyes, picking up my sword and slipping into the shadows.

The unjust beckon me and my shadows, I answer them. Do not think you are safe and can hide, the law is not what you should fear.

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