The music, quieting in the background. Silence closed in. While Meghan laid in her bed, arms crossed, she heard footsteps in the hall. "Come on!!! It's your first day for high school!" A familiar voice called out. She sighed and rubbed her face and began getting out of bed. Her legs gently walking amongst the ground. "Ugh. I don't want to gooo!!" She yelped as she opened the door to the hall. "I know, I know." Her best friend sighed in an annoyed tone. "I've been wearing these clothes all night, anxious." She whined. "And..?" Her friend questioned. "Jake-- Just...just never mind." Meg growled to herself as they walked down the hall. "Okay, okay. You sure are grumpy."
Jake pouted.
"Says you."
Meg smirked and began racing
down the hall, finally reaching the staircase, she hurried down it. "WAIT UP!!!" Shouted Jake as he struggled to followed behind. "Slowpoke!" She mocked, already at the bottom of the staircase. He chuckled and ran down the staircase. They both began sprinting to the door, giggling like idiots. She opened the door and began walking down the street, sprinting. "Meghan!!!" Shouted Jake.And then everything went black.
She gained consciousness, yet couldn't move, only open her eyes slightly and hear.
"Oh god, Meghan...Don't...Don't die, not like this!!" Shouted Jake, and then she passed out again.
She woke up in a hospital bed, the beep of the heart monitor, ever so frequent. She heard pounding in her head. It was driving her insane. She tried to move, yet her body felt numb. She had no idea what had happened.
"Knock knock."
A doctor called from behind the door before opening it slowly."What...What happened?"
She mumbled."You were hit by a car. I'm surprised you're still alive."
The doctor sighed."Wait...WAIT!!! WHERE'S JAKE?!"
She yelled extremely loud, she didn't know where it came from, she couldn't control the volume of her voice suddenly."Jake?"
The doctor questioned."Oho!! You must mean that bloke that suddenly...Vanished, when you were hit by the car."
The doctor replied."...Shit... I hope he's alright."
She hiccuped nervously."I'm sure he is!"
The doctor exclaimed.:[TO BE CONTINUED!!]