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Mitsuki POV
It's been 2 months since Sarada told me about her theory and has somehow got me to help her find Sasuke's new heir but I will never tell her who it is of course. Also I am now a shinobi for the Hidden Leaf again since I have decided with Sarada and Sakura on the loose Boruto might not be safe.So now the team waiting for Boruto to come.
"Ohayo! Sorry I'm late. "
I look up to see my sun in all of his glory. A little out of breath, redness on his cheeks from the warmth and obviously hasn't done his hair.
"It's fine Boruto kun. "
"No it's not Mitsuki that baka is late again! We are late for our mission and because I'm late I will never become Hokage! "
I swear of someone doesn't shut this banshee up I will end her. Suddenly she did something I didn't think she would do she punches my sun at least a mile through the trees!
"S-sorry Sarada"
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. But he shouldn't have to apologize the banshee is in the wrong! On the positive side of things Boruto doesn't look too injured and why isn't sensei saying anything?
"Sarada don't go {yeeting}launching your teammate into the air what if he had gotten hurt? I am incredibly disappointed in your actions. "
Finally she gets told off. Why is it no one corrects her when she's wrong and never try to defend my sun? I swear it better not be because she was an Uchiha or that Sasuke is her father.

After the mission is over because I'm lazy

Boruto pov
Finally the mission is over and done with! Woah! The sunset is awesome! All of its colours are blended in. But apparently I was so mesmerised I didn't notice Sarada's punch.
"Huh? What was that for? "
Like seriously that really hurt I wouldn't be surprised if I cracked a rib.
"Don't be stupid! We nearly failed the mission because of you! Do you not want me to be Hokage? Do you not want me to succeed in my dreams? "
"Of course not Sarada. I made one mistake I doubt it will ruin your chance to be Hokage. "
I start to chuckle nervously.

Sarada pov
I can't believe he might be Papa's heir. I know it sound ridiculous but all of the evidence. Papa must be so disappointed with how his maybe son has turned out he doesn't even have sharingan like every Uchiha.But that makes it easier for me since Papa would obviously want the strongest and the one with sharingan as his child.Whilst I was talking to sensei about new jutsu's we got surrounded by rouge shinobi's. I counted at least twenty but that was just what I could see who knows how many is in the trees or somewhere else.Whilst I was distracted one of them threw a kunai at Mitsuki.
"Mitsuki!! "

Boruto pov
I counted thirty when we got surrounded including the ones hiding.At Saradas words I turned around at such speed I'm thought I broke a bone.Suddenly it was as if time slowed down I could see everything so much clearer and I easily caught the kunai going towards Mitsuki's face.Something seemed to scare the rouge shinobi's off because they quickly ran away.I didn't know why until I heard Saradas scream. I thought she was injured but she was in pure rage and looked as if she is ready to kill me. So I did the only thing I could think of.
"What's wrong are you hurt? "

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