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Camula POV

For what felt like an eternity all I knew was infinite darkness and then all at once for seemingly no reason there was light and I was reborn. The world was far different than what I knew, I still had my duel disk and my deck so at least I had that bit of familiarity. I looked around and saw a little boy who couldn't have been older than three or four getting bullied and beaten by kids twice his size! I ran over to him, "STOP THAT THIS INSTANT!" I scalded, "Who are you? His mom?" a boy laughed, "No, but if you don't leave, I'll take your souls." I said coldly as I activated my duel disk, suddenly it burst into flames I threw it off at the bullies. Sadly my deck burned, but at least the child was safe, "Are you alright little one?" I asked, "Y-Yeah." the boy said, "Owie?" he asked as he pointed at my arm, "I'm alright, where's your mother? I'm sure she's worried about you." I said he grabbed my hand and began leading me hopefully to his mother.

Eventually, the boy led me to a dilapidated building that was barely standing. We went in and after a few steps, the boy stopped me from moving further. I saw a red circle painted on the floor the child tossed a small rock on it and the floor crumbled! "Bad spots." he said as he led me to what appeared to be the kitchen and handed me a note that read, 'My dear sweet (y/n), I'm so sorry, but Mommy can't keep struggling to raise ten babies alone. I've already sent your brothers to live with their fathers, and your sisters are going to stay with me. Your father will come to get you soon. That is if I can find him. I'm so sorry sweetie, but I will always be your mom, and if you need help go to this address, I have friends there who will help you and bring you to me. -Mom' I read, "Sweetie, how long have you been alone?" I asked, "This many." he said as he held up three fingers, "Three days? Weeks? Months?" I asked, "Months." he said before I pulled him into a hug, "Well you won't be alone anymore. You have me now." I said.

We lived out of the barely functioning house (y/n) called home. I needed to find a way to make money and fast. Luckily Industrial Illusions was hosting a tournament to see who the next King of Games will be. To commemorate the tournament all accepted duelists will receive a legacy duel disk and access to free cards. Sadly I was rejected, but (y/n) was accepted. (y/n) obviously couldn't enter so he handed his spot over to me. "So this is the legacy duel disk?" I said as I put the duel disk on and activated it.

 "So this is the legacy duel disk?" I said as I put the duel disk on and activated it

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"Cool!" (y/n) said, "At least it matches my outfit." I said.

We went to a local game shop and I constructed my deck. It was hard, to say the least, there are so many strange new cards to learn to use. I needed to learn more.

I entered a small tournament with a grand prize of $500. It's not much, but it's a start.

I made it to the finals, I learned how to fusion, XYZ, link, and synchro summon from my previous duels. "I'll play Vampire Retainer! By paying 500 life points, I can add one vampire spell or trap to my hand! I'll add my Vampire Kingdom field spell! Next, I'll play my Vampire Kingdom! I set one card and end my turn." I said, "I draw! I play Gem-Knight Fusion! I'll use three monsters in my hand to fusion summon Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond! Thanks to Gem-Knight Obsidian's effect I can special summon one level four or lower normal Gem-Knight monster from my graveyard! So say hello to Gem-Knight Garnet!" my opponent said, "Now Brilliant Diamond will transform Garnet into this! My Gem-Knight Lady Lapis Lasouli! She lets me send one Gem-Knight to the grave and you take 500 damage for each special summoned monster! So say goodbye to 1000 life points!" she said, "Now I'll attack!" she said, "I SPECIAL SUMMON THIS! VAMPIRE FRAULEIN! When an attack is declared I can special summon her in defense mode!" I said as I took 1700 points of damage, "I'll end there." she said, "I draw. I activate my trap card! Vampire Awakening! It lets me special summon one Vampire monster from my deck, but it's destroyed during the end phase. So say hello to Vampire Lord!" I said, "Next, I'll play Raigeki!" I said, "This duel is all but over! I banish Vampire Lord to summon this! VAMPIRE GENISIS!" I said, "Now, I play this my Vampire Lady!" I said, "I attack with Genisis! My Fraulein's effect allows me to pay any amount of life points ranging from 100 to 3000 and the Vampire doing battle gains that much attack and defense! I pay 3000 life points making Genisis' attack 6000!" I said, Next my Vampire Lady attacks! I pay 700 life points to give her more than enough power to take you down!" I said as my opponent's life points hit zero.

'This deck is strong, but not strong enough. I need something better and something that won't scare (y/n).' I thought as I opened a bank account.

What new deck should Camula use?

Redo of Vampire (male child reader X adoptive mother Camula)Where stories live. Discover now