Chapter 1

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Camula POV

It's been a few months since the King of Gams Grand Prix was announced with the official participants. I was put towards the bottom because of my last-minute entry, but I'm fine with that. I've entered and won about fifteen tournaments each netting me more and more prize money, and what additional prizes I won that didn't go to (y/n) I sold. Somehow I managed to upgrade us from the barely standing house we had been living in, to a decent one-bedroom apartment. I had also heard that our former home had collapsed a few days after we left so I'm glad we moved out when we did. I've been trying to legally adopt (y/n), but I'm running into difficulties. Namely my lack of records. But that won't matter since the winner of the tournament will have any request granted. The same goes for the top five contestants so my goal was clear, make it to the final five. Luckily for me, a major competitor known as Playmaker dropped out due to unknown reasons. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still nervous, apparently after the preliminaries something called Battle Skills will be added and it's making me nervous. "Are you ready to go, sweetie? Do you have your day bag packed?" I asked, "Yeah!" (y/n) said, "Do you have your deck? I heard there's going to be a mini-tournament with a grand prize of a duel disk and an ultra-rare card. I'm not worried about you winning, but I do want you to have fun." I said as he showed me his deck, "Good, now let's get going or we'll be late." I said as we left.

(y/n) POV

I entered the mini-tournament. the brackets were made based on our deck's strength and mine let me skip straight into round two. "So you're my opponent? Let's get this over with I have better things to do." a girl said coldly.

"I suppose I'll take it easy on you this time, but don't go and cry when you lose

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"I suppose I'll take it easy on you this time, but don't go and cry when you lose." She mocked as we put on and activated our duel disks.

"I'LL GO FIRST! I PLAY THIS! MY ADORABLE PERFORMAPAL GUITARTLE!" she said happily as she summoned her monster into attack mode

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"I'LL GO FIRST! I PLAY THIS! MY ADORABLE PERFORMAPAL GUITARTLE!" she said happily as she summoned her monster into attack mode. "Lame." I said coldly, "THAT'S IT NEXT TURN I'LL CRUSH YOU!" she snapped as she ended her turn. "Draw." I said, "Branded Fusion!" I said as I played my spell and sent my Albion the Shrouded Dragon and Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to the grave from my deck and fusion summoned, "TITANKLAD THE ASH DRAGON!" I said as my monster burst forth from beneath the ground.

"AND HERE IT IS! THE STAPLE OF (Y/N)'S DECK! HIS FUSIONS! For those who don't know Titanklad gains attack equal to the combined levels of the monsters used to summon him x100! meaning he has 4300 attack points! more than enough to win the duel!" t...

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"AND HERE IT IS! THE STAPLE OF (Y/N)'S DECK! HIS FUSIONS! For those who don't know Titanklad gains attack equal to the combined levels of the monsters used to summon him x100! meaning he has 4300 attack points! more than enough to win the duel!" the announcer said, "W-WHAT?!" my opponent said in shock, "Titan Blitz!" I said coldly as my dragon attacked and ended the duel.

Camula POV

I easily won my first duel, my opponent's best card was Musician King! I'd be embarrassed if I would've lost! "Hi there sweetie, how'd you do in your tournament?" I asked, "Easy win." (y/n) said, "Oh let me see the card you won." I said as he handed me a card, "Honey this is a Watapon?" I said, "Yep." he said, "Well at least you had fun." I said, "I think my opponent got lost and dueled me by mistake, he wasn't that good." I said.

I made it through the preliminaries relatively easily. Round 2 starts in a few days to let the rest of the preliminaries finish. A new function was added to my duel disk, the Battle Skill function. Apparently, there are multiple skills that you can unlock based on the number of points you have available. Each duel is worth 1000 points if you win, and a draw is worth 500 points. I currently have 5000 points. Not enough to unlock anything, but the skill that was automatically unlocked should be more than enough. "Vampiric Demise. A skill that allows me to gain life points equal to the amount of damage I deal to my opponent in a battle against a monster." I said, 'It's almost too perfect for me." I said. "Mama." (y/n) said, "(y-y/n)! You just called me Mama!" I said happily, "You've never called me mama before now, I'm so happy." I said as I hugged him.

Redo of Vampire (male child reader X adoptive mother Camula)Where stories live. Discover now