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When Mikey wakes up, he's terrified.

He doesn't understand why he is yet, but he can feel his terror all bottled up and ready to spill in a shrill scream. He decides that loud noises can wait until after he finds out why he's scared out of his shell. He doesn't think he wants the thing causing the fear to add more to the pile. Whatever it is.

It's unnerving, to wake up scared and not know why, so he looks up into the darkness and waits as the fear bleeds until it's all out of his chest and into the air.

Then he rolls over, pulling himself onto all fours like he's doing a push-up to see if anything hurts. There's a dull ache across his being, but there's nothing unusual about that, especially not after a big battle.

He sits up and blinks. They had been fighting Kraang, hadn't they?

He blinks again. They.

Who was with him?

He gets to his feet, shaky for a second before he manages to right himself. He scans the dark surroundings that are only lit by dots of lights here and there and then pats down his belt for his t-phone. It's dying, but the screen coming to life is welcome.

He hopes to find a light switch for the room and shines it around the area, coughing when he realizes that every breath tastes foul.

He makes a face and then shifts into a crouch, the dim light from his t-phone introducing him to the mess that is the room. There is splintered wood all around his position, and the darkness gives them life-like shadows. The shadow creatures seem to mock him and his futile attempt to remember where he was or how he ended up there.

There's no such thing as shadow creatures, you knucklehead!

He sticks out his tongue defiantly. "Raph's right. You're just in my head. Go back to being wood before I smash you to splinters."

The shadow creatures seem to merge into the background, and he smirks, rising back to his feet and covering his mouth with one hand to keep out the taste. He moves forward, and the area he has to work with shrinks as he passes through it. He counts his steps out loud to break the quiet, getting to seventeen before he hears movement.

He freezes, and the terror returns. "Bros?"

There is no response, and curiosity outweighs reason. "If this is a revenge prank cause I put alarms under your pillows, this is soooo not the time."

Silence is supreme, and Mikey decides to bring an end to its reign. "Dudes, seriously, you gotta admit that one was really good! How come it's my fault you guys always stay awake until you can't anymore? Not checking around your bed at night is just bad ninja-ing!"

For the tenth time, Ninja-ing isn't a word...

I don't know why you still try. He's never going to stop using it.

"Never ever." The smirk returns as he comes up beside a demolished crate, tapping the metal with his finger as he studies the pathway that looks blocked with what is left of the second floor and maybe even the roof.

That Kraang bomb had some serious firepower.

Donnie was right, as he usually was. They should have waited for their brothers and alerted them like they were supposed to do when they spotted the base housing the bomb, but Mikey didn't think.

Instead of waiting like all his older brothers wanted, Donnie was forced to follow him to watch his shell when he rushed in.

It seemed simple at the time. Go in, grab the bomb, and get out with it so they could rub it in Leo and Raph's faces.

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