25 : Minho II

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I check the clock and it reads 17:32. Minho should be getting here soon. I've finished my makeup and followed Joy's suggestions. Getting dressed in the sparkling green dress, I realize I only have a black bag and black heeled shoes. I wish I would have thought about this before adding brown to my eye look. Regardless, I continue getting ready. Deciding what jewelry to wear was the hardest. I don't have any fancy, professional, elegant shit. My favorite pair of earrings is a cartoon mushroom throwing peace signs, and I can't wear that unless I want Minho laughing at me all night. I go with a basic option, small silver hoops that pair with my necklace. Rings? All I brought was an raw cute amethyst ring and a candy bead rainbow ring. I could have sworn I brought more. I suppose the amethyst pairs well with the pale green.

The clock now reads 17:49. Just then I hear the house door fly open.


I grab my bag and run down the stairs with my shoes in hand. I rush so quickly I found myself skipping every other step to prevent myself from tripping. Minho, with a look of urgency in his eyes, sees my shoes in hand and pulls my arm to carry me to the other house and avoid my feet touching the ground. He has my arm wrapped around his shoulders, one hand pulls my arm over him and the other holding me by my waist. It was a helpful gesture, but it feels like my left shoulder is moments form being dislocated.

Y/N : What the hell? You scared me.

Minho : Hush, I needed you out of the house before Chan tries to tag along.

We get into the house, and Minho let's me down unexpectedly causing me to stumble. I catch myself and watch him run up the stairs.


I put my shoes on, and I'm greeted by a familiar meow.

Y/N : LuLu!! I missed you baby!!

Lulu plops on her back waiting for belly rubs. I squat in front of her and rub her belly as she gentle swipes her face with her little paws. She's visibly chubbier than when I first brought her here.

Y/N : I'm glad the guys are feeding you well.

I hear a muffled yell from the Minho.


I pick up LuLu and rush to the basement, desperately trying not the trip. I hear the front door open and my name called. Footsteps can be heard coming down the staircase and muffled talking that I can't make out. A minute later Minho comes down to me.

Minho : Come on, Chan just went to his room to get dressed. We have to go.

I follow behind him as quickly as I can. Falling behind a bit with LuLu in my hands and wearing shoes that I've never thought of even jogging in.

Minho : You're so slow come on!!!

I place LuLu down. Out of frustration, Minho gives me his keys and squats in front of me to give me a piggy back ride, I hop on his back and he dashes out the door with me bouncing on his back.

Minho : Shit! Why are you so heavy?

Y/N : Why are you legs so weak?

He drops me next to the car, I press the unlock button, and we both get in. He starts the car and just as we're driving off, I see Chan exiting the house.

Minho : Don't look him in the eyes, it'll make you feel bad.

I turn towards Minho and notice his outfit. He's wearing a pale blue button down with brown pants. His hair is nicely styled, and he looks like he's wearing a bit of blush and tinted lip balm?

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