Royal Flush

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                     There were many beings who wanted to get the upper hand in life, the afterlife was no different, within the realm of Hell where Sinners fall and rise as Demons who held power and others not so much.  Depictions of fire and brimstone were told throughout time but within this realm, the city grew with age as the years passed, and while the denizens of Hell were able to go about their lives as if they were still living on earth there were few who were still lost in the past.  Among the Sinners, there were those who held power over territories, Overlords who were running business or trades throughout the city, and who were also held together by the King of Hell himself.  The Devil known as Lucifer Magne ruled over his domain with a very interesting appearance to some that mistook him for a clown or ring leader, those who spoke with him in a careless manner were shown right away how serious the Devil could be.

                    As vicious and wild as one could be, Lucifer had been the Master of such devious and cruel ways to torment and torture those who crossed him that it seemed almost impossible for anyone to get the drop on him.  Lucifer would forever be the focus on those who desired power and those who wanted to rule over all, and the Radio Demon was no different, having kept to the shadows for centuries after first arriving and wreaking havoc upon the city.  Alastor would play his cards well for years to come, enjoying his time among the denizens of Hell while causing havoc and mischief for everyone, he worked to gain power for himself but after a while, he grew bored with the mundane.  Boredom was worse than death for the poor man, while alive he had many things to strive for when it came to growing up poor and becoming quite the celebrity as a Radio Host around the 1930s while also indulging in a few killings of men who deserved it.

"I tell you Husker, playing the House is one thing but when one does beat him-"

"Oh come on, you can't be serious?"  The winged feline busy counting his earnings from his night at the casino where he normally spent his days' gambling, was having a few drinks as well over at the Radio Station where Alastor had created his own tower, even had a few guestrooms to entertain.  "Anyone who's gone up against the Devil is bound to get their souls ripped a new one, never mind taking on the King himself, and for what?  What's the point?"  He gave the other a droll look while Alastor himself was leaning against the table to throw his arms out,

"Mainly because I am bored but more so because I can!  And what if I do, what if I can beat the Devil, can you imagine the power that can be gained?  Hmmm, the only issue is I can't seem to figure out how when it comes to actually facing him, he's either in meetings with Overlords or gallivanting in flooding the streets with blood."  He'd pause while recalling the few times he'd seen Lucifer walking down the street, it was by the statue of himself within the city when a few Demons would be throwing tomatoes while shouting colorful insults about the Devil himself.

"Good for nothing King, more like the court jester!  You suck!"  Alastor had been across the street, holding his microphone with a hum as the Devil appeared behind the Demons who were laughing at calling him a goat lover.

"A joke as old as time, but if you're going to repaint the monument red you should use something better~" they'd turn to see the Devil's red eyes before he used his cane to slice one in half, blood splattered the statue while the other Demons tried to flee for their lives.  Music rang through the air which made the Deer's ears perk as he looked around to see the speakers were playing a tune for the Devil, he'd appear around the Demons to slice and dice, dancing in their blood while painting the streets as well as his statue.  The amount of fun and genuine enjoyment the Devil had was surely a sight to see, Alastor enjoyed a good show while he pondered on what to do to get close to the other.

"Well, look, we both know you love power but this isn't some random Demon you can get the drop on and kill once you get what you want.  The Devil is one game you shouldn't try to play, you're gonna lose the pot and probably pay the price."  Husk warned but he knew the other would get bored enough to try something foolish when it came to the Devil, but the Radio Demon was determined to learn of some way he could get close to Lucifer without risking too much.  What could he offer the King that would get his interest, the Devil had everything he could ever want right?

                      Just one of those wrong places at the wrong time kind of deals when Alastor was trying to gather some information on a few targets he'd been keeping tabs on, the Overlords that were rising within the city after a few years such as Valentino and Vox.  The sex trade and media were growing vastly within the city, Alastor came across quite the sight as Lucifer was locked within a room.  The shadows moved along the walls searching for the Devil and what he came to find had static ringing through his senses, the moans of the Devil could be heard as well as other noises that indicated he was doing the hanky panky.  While in life, Alastor hadn't been interested in such a thing, something to do with his own childhood trauma and the loss of his mother, and yet as he watched Lucifer being taken by other Demons.  He couldn't help but feel taken back by the aspect, then again stories of the Devil being one to indulge in sin so the idea of sleeping around wasn't all that surprising... just... not what he had expected.

"I... how is this even... why is this bothering me?"  Alastor was downing drinks by the dozen as he tried to clear his mind of mixed feelings after seeing such a sight, Husk was just laughing it off,

"Look man, the Devil does what he wants and maybe because he's bored as well... but from what little you described and uh some intel I picked up, the Devil doesn't just sleep with anyone.  Oh no, they gotta be the right Demon to top him."  Alastor would run his hands through his hair to grip his antlers while he felt a little tipsy,

"I'm sorry... do what to him... top?"

"See he doesn't really sleep with many women, I mean he has that Queen of his sure but that's too easy for him... so when it comes to other men, they got to be the right kind of top to him and that's when they earn favor.  So unless you can channel that Daddy energy, I don't think even you can get the drop on the Devil at his most vulnerable self."  It gave him a lot to think about, Alastor hadn't been attracted to anyone and yet when he thought about that scene every so often, he found his cheeks flushed pink.  So vulnerable, and letting scum like those Demons touch him like nothing, couldn't help but think he could do better when it came to his partners but when he thought of himself doing such a thing with the King of Hell.  Nonsense!  Doing such a thing after all this time, there was no need... surely there were other ways to get to the Devil.  And for years, the Radio Demon tried, he would play his pranks and set up traps for the others throughout the city every time he thought he had the Devil, Lucifer would just maneuver out of harm's way or break free from any traps that could hold him.  

Devil's Ace: An Alastor and Lucifer OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now