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Travel. A chance to dive into new adventures, visit beautiful places, get to know wonderful cultures, connect with people. A wonderful thing, many might say.

But not Jordyn. She only saw the long, exhausting and energy-draining process. This process of planning, packing, flying and driving was enough for Jordyn to happily decline any offer of a "fun family vacation".

Granted there were exceptions. Traveling to visit extended family was one. The other was if Jordyn ever had a complete change of heart and forgot all about her flying anxiety. But right now, none of these applied. So Jordyn had only one thing to say:


She walked out of the classroom Bree had dragged her into. In an effort to convince Joe of how much fun they could have together, Bree had shown her a brochure about some exchange program to Australia. Bree kept pleading with Joe, but Joe was having none of that, so she simply had to stand her ground and endure her whining.

"Please, please, please, please."

Catching Bree off guard, Joe whirled around making the girl almost bump into her as she followed her through the hallway. Joe glared at Bree, who pouted in a last attempt to persuade her. Once she noticed Joe wouldn't crack, she sighed and nodded in defeat.

Joe felt bad but she wasn't going to blindly follow Bree. Still, she apologized, "Sorry but I'm just not interested. You can go alone, though. You make friends easily, so I'd only hold you back anyway."

Bree put an arm around the other girl's waist to pull her close. "Oh, come on. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure you would socialize well." She backtracked after receiving a blank look and sighed. "Okay, maybe not."

Joe snorted and looked at her friend. "Can I make it up to you with a trip to the mall this afternoon?"

Bree gasped and clapped with a big grin. "Yes, yes, yes. You're the best. I saw that top in a display one day and I have to try it on." Bree continued her excited rant as she walked next to Joe, who was leading them to where she had agreed to meet with Adam.

Turning the last corner revealed the group of boys claiming seats in the center of the entrance hall. As the girls approached them, Jordyn noticed a lot of dirty looks thrown their way but chose to ignore them. Those looks weren't uncommon. Their group had been deemed the rich and ignorant kids, which made others rather avoid them. 

They had each other though, so that sufficed; it didn't bother them anymore.

"Oh, hey guys," Leo greeted the new arrivals.

Joe waved and sat next to Adam, while Bree went along to introduce the others to her plans. "Did you guys know we had a study abroad program?"

"Why would I go to another country to do something I don't do here?" Adam questioned, drawing nods of agreement. 

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