「 𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 」

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it's has been a week since the occurrence with caroline and i was still thinking about she was saying. exams were next week and i was so stressed. with this werewolf thing, caroline being dead, my mum being alive, her location, the fact that she knew what was going on and did nothing, my exams, my grades, all the studying, all the work, everything. it's so exhausting.

i sighed and throw my book at the wall. it collided with it and slid down the wall, falling on the ground. i grabbed my pillow and screamed loudly in it.

tears started to pool in my eyes and i rubbed my eyes angrily. i wasn't going to cry because i had a lot on my mind. i was going to get through this. i told caroline that i was strong and i was going to live up to that.

good. you know you're strong.

i ignored the voice. all it ever did was do nothing other than talk to me and say this and that and this and that and rile me for no reason at all.

i sniffed and wiped my nose.

was my dad a werewolf too? am i one? all these questions pondered in my mind. i have no idea what was what anymore, who was who and what was going to happen. it is all so unpredictable and so frustrating.

stop sulking around and get up.

you have two lovely women who might wanna see you after your little... thing you did, not wanting to see them for a week.

and ditching your dad? that's messed up, emily.

i let out a breath and got up out of bed and went to take a shower. after i finished showering, i put on something comfy and then went to the living room where dad spends majority of his time.

"hi, dad." i mumbled and he looked up at me.

"hey, emily." he patted the seat beside him and i went and sit down, "everything's okay?"

i nodded, gulping slightly. the question pondered at the tip of my tongue and i turned to him.

"why didn't you tell me?" i asked.

"tell you what?" he asks, tilting his head side ways.

"that caroline's a werewolf."

all the colour drained from his face and he shifted uncomfortably in the couch.


"you knew and you hid it from me." i said, my voice cracking.

"i couldn't tell you. i didn't know how you'd react."

i scoffed, "or maybe you wanted nothing to do with me at that time!" i snapped.

"no, emily. it's not like that." he pleaded and i got up, frowning.

"you know you can just drop the facade and prove yourself to me. all this sudden change... is just confusing. trust me, i am grateful for everything and all but i need an explanation. a serious and simple one. i don't want the excuses and the rubbish. just the plain truth," i said.

he nods, "sit down then."


"farewell." he sighed.


𝗟𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗜𝗻 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗼𝘀 ✔ 𝗚𝘅𝗚𝘅𝗚Where stories live. Discover now